Tag: Donald Trump

The Long Slow Slide To Infamy

UNITED STATES—Fallen celebrity status can be a gradual, torturous route to ignominy because it’s not easy for the most fervent of fans to relinquish...

Salvagno Arrested For Assaulting 81-Year-Old Trump Supporter

NEW JERSEY—An 81 year old unidentified Somerset man, wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat, was assaulted Monday, February 25 outside of the...

Hoda Muthana Not Welcome Back To The US

UNITED STATES—President Trump has stated that ISIS bride and former US citizen, Hoda Muthana and her 18-month old baby will be denied re-entry into...

Senate Passes Border Security Bill

UNITED STATES—The U.S. Senate passed legislation for the Border Security Bill 83-16 on Thursday, February 14. It was been signed by Speaker of the...

The Government Shut Down Will It End?

UNITED STATES—Well it has been close to two weeks since the federal government has gone into a partial shutdown. I note partial because the...

Rachel Maddow One Of MSNBC’s Best Shows

HELLO AMERICA—Every accredited journalist and or entertainment writer in the nation has been a mark for the present man who resides in the White...

Television Reveals Tons Of Truths!

HELLO AMERICA!—Watching and listening to President Trump’s lame dissertation, concerning the shooting at the Jewish Synagogue on television, it made me more acutely aware...

Young Filmmakers Unite Against Trumpism!

HELLO AMERICA!—It seems that Barack Obama's decision to reappear on the political scene in support of his party’s determination to reclaim the House of...

Trump Warns Canada On Fair Trade Agreement

UNITED STATES—President Donald Trump issued a warning to Canada regarding fair trade on Sunday, September 2. After failing to reach a deal with them...

Business Ventures!

HOLLYWOOD—Even celebrities like to make more money. Leave it to the Snoop Dogg, to release a cookbook called "From Cook to Cook." The rapper...
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