Tag: food

Fighting The Urge To Snack People

UNITED STATES—Do you like to snack? I think we all do, but the problem with snacking is that it can lead to major weight...

Grocery Store Navigation 101

UNITED STATES—Have you been to the grocery store lately? The prices are bad and inflation is just driving me insane right now. I mean...

Taking Care Of Your Health Matters

UNITED STATES—Your health mattes America and I am learning that more and more as I get older your body is indeed your temple. If...

Sweet Tooth No More!

UNITED STATES—It is odd because I thought I had the biggest sweet tooth in the world, but in the past 2-3 months, the craving...

Food Rocket Is Revolutionizing The Grocery Game And We Love It

UNITED STATES—If you're anything like us, making multiple trips to the grocery store every week is a sad fact of life. Even when we...

Being A Host Is Stressful

UNITED STATES—The holidays can be stressful. Look, I just have to be blunt here because there is so much chaos that comes with the...

What A Thanksgiving People!

UNITED STATES—I had a great Thanksgiving 2021. In 2020, my family kept it very small because COVID-19 was simply out of control. This year...

The Fun Of Going To The Fair

UNITED STATES—If there is anybody who knows me they fully understand that I am an adrenaline junkie, I love a good thrill. I got...

Snacking When Not Hungry

UNITED STATES—We are all guilty of this America, snacking when we are not hungry, but it does raise a big question: how do we...

Autumn Is Coming People!

UNITED STATES—This should come to no surprise to the people who know me: I hate the summer. I’m not an extreme heat person, so...
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