Tag: life

Life Can Be Full Of Stressors

UNITED STATES—Life can be tough America. The older I get the more I am starting to realize that. I feel like as I age...

Walking In Another Person’s Shoes

UNITED STATES—I love reality TV, there is something about seeing another person’s life front-and-center that can be quite interesting. With that said, I wouldn’t...

Vacation Epiphany

UNITED STATES—I recently had a vacation America, and it was long overdue. I am someone who can personally go a year without any time...

Stop To Take A Moment To Breathe

UNITED STATES—Life can be crazy sometimes America. You have a full-time job, you’re in school, you have family issues, your social circle is stressing...

Don’t Allow Stress To Control Your Life

UNITED STATES—As one gets older, you start to realize in life there are things that you can control and there are things that you...

Death Is A Complicated Thing People

UNITED STATES—It has been a hell of a past two weeks for me people, how I have not fallen to pieces I have no...

Life Is Not As Bad As You Think

UNITED STATES—Sometimes in life you just have to take a moment and reflect on life. You watch the news and you hear these horrid...

Stop Sweating The Small Stuff

UNITED STATES—I’ve had a few tough weeks juggling personal problems in addition to work and health. Last week, I started to feel some significant...

Technology Complicates Our Lives More

UNITED STATES—So many of us would like to think that technology makes our lives easier, I unfortunately disagree with that assessment and believe that...

Technology Complicates Our Lives More

UNITED STATES—So many of us would like to think that technology makes our lives easier, I unfortunately disagree with that assessment and believe that...
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