Tag: life

Letting Stress Go

UNITED STATES—Why is it as Americans some of us are so stressed to the core about things that we should re-evaluate? It is a...

Death Is Potent People

UNITED STATES—Death is something that has always scared me. Not so much because I fear it, more with the notion of accepting it when...

Change Is Scary, But Good

UNITED STATES—I will admit I am someone who likes a routine. When I have a system in place I don’t like to see adjustments...

Finding A Work Balance

UNITED STATES—It is hard people, we can say all the time that it is so easy to find a work/life balance. We are told...

Take A Risk When It Comes To Life

UNITED STATES—If there is anything that I am learning about life as I get older it is that things don’t always go your way...

Sleep And Stress Go Hand-And-Hand

UNITED STATES—I have not been sleeping well lately, particularly in the past week and I have been trying to pinpoint exactly what has been...

Take These Steps To Simplify Your Life

UNITED STATES—How did modern life get so complicated? If you've been daydreaming lately about how much easier life must have been for ancient hunter-gatherers,...

We Will Never Be Normal Again

UNITED STATES—I must admit I am so sick and tired of hearing people say let’s get things back to normal. Here is the thing...

Laughter Brings Levity To Life

UNITED STATES—I believe laughter is good for the soul. When you’re having a bad day, nothing brightens the mood more than having a good...

Having A Bad Day, Just Breathe!

UNITED STATES—I will be the first to admit it: we all have bad days. It is part of life. If someone comes to you...
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