Tag: racism

Trump Is Talking Too Much!

UNITED STATES—Here we go again. Gosh, I would love to go just one week where the conversation is not centered on Donald Trump and...

The Amazing Mr. Robinson!

HELLO AMERICA!—Since so many people around the nation realized how long I have been on the Hollywood Entertainment in one area or another, I...

Police Brutality In America

UNITED STATES—It has been an issue that I have wanted to talk about for an extremely long time, however, I really wanted to collect...

Hate Erupts In Charlottesville, Virginia!

UNITED STATES—Oh America, we still have so much growth, so much growth to do. The only way you can’t fathom what transpired this weekend...

“Detroit” Is A Riveting, Cinematic Masterpiece

HOLLYWOOD—Cinema has a unique ability to stir emotions in a viewer that other forms of entertainment can’t. If the story is told with as...

The Bill Maher Debacle

UNITED STATES—Last week, Kathy Griffin was the comic who was the talk of town, but this week things have shifted to comic Bill Maher....

LeBron James’ Brentwood Home Vandalized

BRENTWOOD—NBA star LeBron James had his Brentwood home vandalized on Wednesday, May 31 with a racial slut spray-painted on the front of the gate...

The Importance Of MLK Day

UNITED STATES—Monday, January 16, 2017 is a very important day in American history. For some it is just another day off from work or...

All Lives Matter

UNITED STATES—This week has been a whirlwind of all sorts, with the recent shootings that took place in Louisiana, than in Minnesota, but hearing...

Anti-Racism Reform For LASD And SFPD

SAN FRANCISCO—Both the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and the San Francisco Police Department are vowing to fix problems involving recent racist emails and text...
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