Tag: Social media

Social Media Outage

UNITED STATES—If anything I learned this week it is the fact that we are way too dependent on social media. For the first time...

Get Off Social Media People

UNITED STATES—Oh, social media how the times have changed before the invention of the internet where platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Tik...

Cancel Culture Overload

UNITED STATES—There has been this discussion of cancel culture for quite some time now, but it does feel like things are becoming tense and...

How To Prepare For Your First Day Trading Investment

UNITED STATES—You have decided to give day trading a go, but you do not have any background in it and are, understandably, worried about...

Toxicity In Politics In America

UNITED STATES—There is just too much toxicity in America right now. I say that because it seems the level of hatred and just despicable...

Pinterest Pays $89.5 Million Termination Lease For Headquarters

SAN FRANCISCO—Pinterest, a social-media website that is known for trendy recipes, outfit and home inspiration, art, and more terminated its lease for a large...

Facebook, Twitter Delete Trump’s COVID-19 Posts

AMERICA—Facebook and Twitter deleted some of President Trump’s posts regarding COVID-19 because they were in violation of COVID-19 information policies. Facebook removed President Trump’s post,...

Hot Cookie Accused Of Racial Discrimination, Sexual Assault

SAN FRANCISCO—On Wednesday, July 22, 2020, the Hot Cookie management team began an internal investigation after employees blamed their owners via social media of...

Twitter Hack Affects Over 130 “High Profile” Accounts

UNITED STATES—On Wednesday, July 15, Twitter reported that over 100 “high profile” accounts were hacked, including Elon Musk’s and Kanye West’s accounts. The attack...

Violence And Hate Overload In America

UNITED STATES─I don’t know how to say this, but I have been disgusted with the level of violence and hate that has seemed to...
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