Tag: sugar

Ivy Returns, Sheila Is Back On “Bold And Beautiful”!

HOLLYWOOD—Well, “The Bold and the Beautiful” kicked off May Sweeps in a big way with a big return to the canvas and a shocking...

The Candy Overload

UNITED STATES—It is October and you know what that means: CANDY! Halloween is right around the corner and it’s a day that’s a favorite...

Taking Care Of Your Health Matters

UNITED STATES—Your health mattes America and I am learning that more and more as I get older your body is indeed your temple. If...

Candy Overload

UNITED STATES—Is there ever a thing as having too much candy? Well, after trick-or-treating with my nieces I think I can say yes. Why?...

Curbing A Sweet Tooth

UNITED STATES—I just did something last week that I thought was NOT possible. I went an entire week without any sweets. NOTE: when I...

What To Do With All That Candy?

UNITED STATES—Halloween is now far beyond us, and many Americans are beginning to prepare for Thanksgiving amongst other chaos for the fall. There is...

Oh, What A Sweet Tooth!

UNITED STATES—We have been chatting about food the past few weeks in our efforts to highlight the importance of eating healthy and ridding our...

Taking Your Health Serious

UNITED STATES—How often do you go to the doctor? No, that is a serious question that I am proposing. Some of us would like...


UNITED STATES—When it comes to food its no easy task for many of us to limit our portions. We’re told time and time again,...
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