Tag: Will Horton

Kristen DiMera Lives On “Days Of Our Lives!”

HOLLYWOOD—I thought I saw a ghost when I saw that trailer of NBC promoting the drama headed to Salem on the soap opera “Days...

Sami Brady Returns To “Days Of Our Lives!”

HOLLYWOOD—There was a major bombshell dropped in Salem not too long ago, our beloved Will Horton who was last seen on screen back in...

“Days Of Our Lives” Shockers: Ben Returns, Will Is Alive!

HOLLYWOOD—We have not discussed the NBC soap “Days of Our Lives” in probably a good year and it’s unfortunate. I mean the soap was...

Sami Brady’s Return Rocks “Days Of Our Lives”

HOLLYWOOD—Last week fans were stunned that Will Horton became the latest victim of the Necktie Killer aka Ben Weston. Kudos go to Robert Scott...

Necktie Killer Latest Murder Sends Shockwaves In Salem!

HOLLYWOOD—Normally, soap fans would only get one soap recap a week, but lately the remaining soaps on network television has been stirring all types...
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