Tag: winter

Texas Grocery Store Allows Customers To Shop For Free

LEANDER—On Friday, February 18 an H-E-B Grocery Store in Leander, Texas went viral for letting people shop for free, after a deadly winter storm...

Summer Bulbs After Spring Bulbs

UNITED STATES—It was easy to bury spring bulbs so discourteously in shallow graves last autumn, prior to concern about summer bulbs. None of them...

Winter Is The Main Season For Pruning

UNITED STATES—Plants are unable to migrate to warmer climates for winter like so many migratory birds do. They are immobile for their entire lives....

Bulb-Like Perennials For Summer

UNITED STATES—Like something of bad science fiction, they are back. The earliest of spring bulbs and bulb-like perennials that were so discourteously buried in...

Winter Is For Dormant Pruning

UNITED STATES—The internet makes it possible to communicate with people who enjoy gardening all over the World. It can be amusing to hear what...

Finish Transplanting Before Winter Ends

UNITED STATES—Autumn is for planting; and for good reasons. It is the beginning of dormancy for almost all plants, including evergreens. It precedes cool...

Winter Is Indeed Here!

UNITED STATES—We are just a few days from the month of February, and I am already over winter. I think I’m more frustrated because...

Bulbs Are Not Finished Yet

UNITED STATES—It was easy to forget about spring bulbs after they went into the ground so unceremoniously last autumn. They got buried without so...

Plant Bare Root Plants Properly

UNITED STATES—Compared to canned (potted) nursery stock, bare root plants have a few advantages. They are less expensive, easier to handle, more conducive to...

The Winter Can Be Brutal

UNITED STATES—The United States has been under a brutal winter vortex for the past 2 weeks. I mean the mid-west, northern plains and northeast...
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