HOLLYWOOD—I’ve said it before and I will say it again, no soap does a murder like NBC’s “Days of Our Lives.” The body count just keeps rising in Salem, and I finally learned something I had been dying to know, dying to know for years. Salem is in Illinois! Who would have ever guessed that?! Apologies for the digression, because you all want to know who had a date with the Grim Reaper. It is former District Attorney Ted Laurent. He was too close to exposing Kristen DiMera and Xander’s dirty deed involving Nicole, Holly and Tony DiMera.
Ted had no idea that threatening Nicole and co. would lead to his demise, but oh, did it and it was bloody to the final second. There was just one problem, Stefan DiMera had no idea he would be caught in the crosshairs. Looks like his family has no remorse pinning Ted’s murder on him and with Eli as the new Police Commissioner and Jack by his side, Stefan looked pretty guilty people.
Stefan has gotten himself out of many dicey situations, but as Gabi noted this one might be one that he doesn’t maneuver his way out of. I mean you would think Stefan was living his best life after marrying Gabi, but after learning about her duplicity he was out for blood. I mean if what he did to her when Abigail was off her rocker was cruel, I don’t want to imagine what he has planned for his ‘wife.’ In other interesting news, Eric and Sarah finally consummated their relationship. Yes, these two have been batting eyes at one another for over a year, and when Rex and ‘Nicole’ came back into the picture it changed everything, but Sarah realized she could no longer hide her true feelings and confessed all.
Now, Kate, Roman and Rex, were not happy, but considering how many times Rex cheated on Sarah, it shouldn’t take much for him to realize that he didn’t fully have Sarah’s heart as he thought. Punches were thrown, words were traded, and before the week culminated Rex was out of Salem. Roman and Kate have other issues to tend to with the return of Anna to Salem. She was stunned with the revelation that her one true love, Tony is actually alive and married to Nicole Walker of all people.
Let’s just say Anna was not pleased to learn about her hubby’s return from the dead, and when the two came face-to-face she delivered slaps to his face for his secrecy. I don’t know a ton about the history behind Tony DiMera, but from what I can see he is the better of the DiMera clan, even though he just fired a bullet into Ted Laurent’s chest killing him.
This causes major issues as Stefan has Ben and Ciara investigating Nicole. I guess it’s time for the writers’ to give Ben and Ciara something to do since the whole cabin storyline has finally come to an end. I will be livid if these two are the ones to discover Kristen’s true duplicity, but something tells me with John and Marlena’s impending celebration at play, Kristen’s true face will finally come to light, especially with Marlena realizing that ‘Nicole’ is not acting like herself people.
I mean Brady has slept with Nicole and cannot shake that inkling that her words and touch are constantly reminding him of a former love, Kristen. Sorry to drop a bomb on you Brady, you are sleeping and kissing Kristen buddy. He will be hoodwinked yet once again by a woman, all I can truly say is that Brady is undeniably unlucky in love people. However, could this deception be the thing that finally causes Brady to snap into a fiery rage? It is very much possible.