HOLLYWOOD—Hunter Franklin is back baby on “The Oval!” Hunter took steps to reclaim what is his on this week’s episode, ‘Something to Hide.’ Richard has totally lost it as he stabbed his father, and it was NOT looking good. Nancy begged her father-in-law to hang on, and instead of calling 9-1-1 they planned to take him to the hospital. Richard you committed attempted murder, and if your father dies its murder. Not good. Nancy stumbled upon the conversation to reveal Richard’s father is dead.

It looks like a serious war between Richard and Nancy is about to erupt as she planned to call the police, but contacted Sam first. Who was forced to get out of bed and step on a floor full of glass. Priscilla strolled into the bedroom gleeful, but Sam was not pleased. Priscilla was laughing all the way to the bank with her antics, which included burning Sam’s clothes, that was until she learned that Richard stabbed his father to death.

The authorities arrived and started to question Nancy and Dale, thank God Priscilla arrived to prevent Nancy from chatting and incriminating herself. The writing still a bit sloppy here because with a body, real authorities are not just going to refuse questioning potential witnesses and suspects. Sam arrived with an apron and in his underwear. Priscilla decided to play ball and refuse to allow Sam inside, but Richard was stone cold as ice, just as Priscilla tried to get her bestie to open up.

Dale interrupted and was immediately shut down by Priscilla and Sam; that was indeed a hilarious moment as you have two couples in utter shambles with a death in the process. Dale split, but he really didn’t split, Nancy wanted Dale to purchase liquor and then take her credit cards and spend whatever he wanted on the cards. Yeah, revenge that is what is on Nancy’s mind and after all that Richard has done, he kind of deserves it. Alonzo spotted Kyle retrieving some footage from behind the one of the screens in the security room.

Sam chatted with Richard about a way to cover up the murder his buddy just committed. Richard seemed a bit taken aback with the next steps in his life. However, Richard is starting to remind me of Allan: they are always angry all the damn time. Let’s see a bit of range with the characters; it is long overdue. However, this plot Sam has concocted all depends on ensuring Sam and Nancy’s stories align and they stay mum.

Donald everyone knows you are gay. You trying to parade Lily around as if you all are a married couple is a ruse that no one is going to believe. Now, we get to the good stuff, Hunter was up and walking and Isaac was prepped as well, as the move to retain the White House was his only focus. Here we go with this Jason BS again as he refuses to spill his secret hideaway to his father with guns blazing.

Victoria paid Eli a visit to discuss the pressing situation sitting in front of them. Victoria warned Eli that Donald is dangerous if he’s given too much power and praise, and she is very right. She knows how to play that man like a fiddle. Allan stumbled upon Rachel, who he interrogated immediately, but she spilled no details. Kyle stumbled upon her as she was leaving though, and dropped tea that Rachel was his stunt.

That is so Kyle people, as the two bickered per usual. Max stumbled into work, where he chatted up Alonzo, who spilled that Kyle was up to no good yet again and may be tracking Bobby. Max tried to warn Bobby before heading into work to alert him of the situation at hand. The episode culminated with Hunter, Jason and his force entering The Oval much to Priscilla and Eli’s surprise with guns drawn, and the look on Victoria’s face said it all. Talk about stunning ‘The Oval’ fans because next week looks riveting.