SAN FRANCISCO—The nuns of Fraternite Notre Dame from France who have provided hot meals for the homeless for over three years in San Francisco and are at risk being evicted. Since their residency in the Tenderloin District, the nuns have seen a steady increase in rent. Fearful of eviction, their “prayers were answered” when multimillionaire, entrepreneur, and “life success coach,” Tony Robbins purchased a $750,000 condominium in the Mission District for them to call home and serve meals to the homeless.

Neighbors in the region have since shown resistance to the future soup kitchen charity. According to reports, they are concerned with potential large crowds and fear the soup kitchen will decrease their property value in the region. Adjacent to the nun’s future condominium is a strip of low-income housing.

Edric Dave, 26, lives near the condominium, and despite being a local charity volunteer is unhappy with the organizations newfound location.

“I know they’re helping the poor and homeless. I’m also doing the same thing, but at the same time, this is my space,” he told The Guardian.

Hillary Ronen, the newly elected condominium supervisor believes that property values should be investigated before the charity is relocated.

Jeffrey Belote, a hired homeowner’s association lawyer, claimed that the soup kitchen would harm the neighborhood by drawing long lines, decreasing retail space and stunting future development. According to CBS San Francisco Bay Area News, a letter from the city of San Francisco’s Planning Department indicates that the charity is favored, but the condominium is “not the appropriate location.”

Sister Mary Benedict is unsure where the charity will relocate if they unable to run operations from the Mission condominium. “God found that place,” she said. “He wants us to be there.”