SAN FRANCISCO—On Thursday, June 10, the San Francisco Department of Public Health announced 3 additional probable monkeypox cases that appear to be from residents in the San Francisco area. This brings the city’s total monkeypox cases up to 4. The first reported case was made on June 4.
The first case was from a resident of Alameda County who ended up testing positive for Orthopox which is the genus of virus that is associated with smallpox and monkeypox. The person who tested positive came in close contact with someone who recently tested positive for Orthopox.
San Francisco’s health department said in a statement that, “One of the individuals reported to have traveled within the U.S. recently while the other two individuals did not. All three individuals are in isolation and in good health condition.”
There are about 11 possible monkeypox cases in the state of California as of June 9.
According to medical professionals the disease is rare and the risk to the general population remains low. Those who are engaging in close physical contact with multiple people (including sex) are at a higher risk of contacting the disease. It is advised that people take precaution to protect themselves by washing hands, not sharing bedding, clothing, food, or water. The CDC stated that the disease cannot be transmitted through the air but a few experts disagree because the research is not definitive.
Officials stated that people should not be alarmed and that, “there are other contagious illnesses that can cause rash or skin lesions such as syphilis and herpes, which are much more common than monkeypox and can appear similar.” They also stated that they are prepared should more cases arise.
If one were to get the disease symptoms would include: fever, headache, exhaustion, chills and swollen lymph nodes. After 1 to 3 days after the initial symptoms the patient would begin to develop a rash that typically begins at the head and gradually develops throughout the body. The illness is said to persists for 2 to 4 weeks.
In Africa, monkeypox has been shown to cause death in as many as 1 in 10 persons who contract the disease.