HOLLYWOOD—Sometimes the quicker that you expose a secret, the better in the soap arena, especially on the NBC soap “Days of Our Lives.” The audience has known for maybe 2-3 weeks that Mimi was the real mother of baby Bonnie and that her mother was using the child as a ruse to stay out of prison. As a result, the ladies crafted a nifty plan to pass off the child as Lucas’ bundle of joy. How did they do that? The real father happened to be Lucas’ brother Rex!

Rex has been MIA in Salem for quite some time, but recently returned with big news: he’s engaged! Note, he’s not engaged to some random stranger, he’s engaged to Sarah Horton, the daughter of Maggie Horton. Both look happily in love, but Chloe concerned about Bonnie’s recent behavior deduced something was off. Chloe realized that Mimi was the mother, but wasn’t certain of who the real baby daddy was. Well, Mimi confided in Belle that it was Rex, and she has kept that secret hidden, until now.

Chloe got the results of the DNA test she had Kayla run and crashed the engagement party to reveal the truth to Lucas, and blow up Mimi and Bonnie’s worlds. However, she never expected that Rex and Sarah’s world would blow up too, as a result. The truth cam spilling out and wholly hell broke loose. Rex was stunned, Sarah was livid, Lucas was heartbroken and Salem was stunned yet again with a secret. This will be very interesting to see how this pans out. Audiences know Lucas is leaving town, but what does that mean for Chloe. Also where does Rex and Mimi fall into all of this because you don’t just drop a bomb like that for Mimi to just vacate town?

It’s apparent the writers are pushing a potential relationship between Eric and Sarah, now that Nicole is ‘gone.’ Really intrigued to see how this romance plays out. Wait one second Salem lovers because there is so much more going on. For starters, Sami got confirmation that the mystery patient is indeed EJ DiMera so that changes everything America! Things got interesting when kooky Susan Banks discovered her son is very much alive and it resulted in EJ disappearing from his hospital room, which left Sami rattled.

EJ’s return is very important because Stefan’s control over Stefano’s empire comes to a crashing halt with his big brother back in the mix, not to mention Kristen and her mystery patients. I’m DYING to know what other Salem notables Dr. Rolf may have brought back to life that we thought was dearly departed. Stefan is a busy guy though, because he married Abigail to protect her from being committed. Chad is up to something wicked because he plans to kidnap Abigail to help her, with Ben’s assistance. Gabi has been winning lately so this development from her frenemy did not make her happy to say the least. As a viewer, it was fun to see Gabi squirm a bit knowing there was a foil in her plan. I mean she’s even utilizing Kate now in her plan to cause Abigail to spiral, oh, did I mention Kate Mansi is returning to the role!

Things seem to be heating up between Ben and Ciara, just as Claire learned that Tripp was the person who set up Ben with that evidence. Hmm, it looks like Claire is up to her old tricks once again working with the enemy to get what the wants. This time with Ben to ensure Ciara and Tripp stay apart. It will be interesting to see how this quadrangle plays out in coming weeks. There was some happiness in Salem this week as John and Marlena tied the knot. Would argue the first week of November sweeps on “Days of Our Lives” was slightly tame, but I’m expecting more madness as the weeks unfold.