
“Spenser Confidential” Is Highly Entertaining

HOLLYWOOD─I heard plenty of buzz about this action-thriller starring Mark Wahlberg that was on Netflix. I hadn’t thought much of it, but with a bit of spare time on my hands I gave the flick “Spenser Confidential” a viewing, and dare I saw I was quite surprised. Look, I wouldn’t tout my film expertise, but I have to say,...

“The Hunt” Is Polarizing Cinema

HOLLYWOOD─I see why this movie has been delayed, why it has been so highly controversial. If you’re not certain what film I’m referring to, I’m talking about “The Hunt.” Polarizing is just one of the words that I can use to describe the premise and the way this movie unfolds. Political? Yes! Violent? In ways that you can only...

“The Way Back” Is A Stirring Drama

HOLLYWOOD─This movie has been touted as a comeback performance for actor Ben Affleck, who hasn’t really had a box-office hit or critical darling in quite some time. The drama “The Way Back” puts Affleck in the spotlight and in a way that takes a page directly from his personal life. You’re going to walk into the theater having some...

“Bloodshot” Is A Complete Bust

HOLLYWOOD─I don’t know how to say this, but it seems whenever Vin Diesel does any film outside of “The Fast and Furious” franchise it just doesn’t knock the ball out of the park. The one exception to that rule is “Pitch Black” which was before those high-stakes car flicks. Diesel’s latest outing, “Bloodshot” tackles another superhero, one that might...

“Onward” Wins Box-Office Again

HOLLYWOOD─The box-office took a major blow and I mean major blow as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic taking the country by storm. There were three new releases in theaters, but none of them were a match for last weekend’s winner, “Onward” which maintained its grip on audiences; at least those who still ventured out to the theater. The animated...

Where Is Originality In Cinema?

HOLLYWOOD─This is a question I have wanted to know for years: where is the originality in cinema? It feels like the great movies of the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s are long gone. I mean the level of originality in moviemaking in those decades were amazing. I mean you had films like “Public Enemy,” “Gone With the Wind,”...

“The Call Of The Wild” Offers Tons Of Heart

UNITED STATES─A classic novel has received another big screen adaption. I’m referring to the 1903 novel by Jack London “The Call of the Wild.” Look let me be crystal clear about this movie, while Harrison Ford is receiving top billing as the star of this movie, he’s not. The star of this movie is a dog, and that dog’s...

“The Invisible Man” Spooks Box-Office

HOLLYWOOD─The month of February ended on a strong note at the box-office. How so? Universal’s latest take on the horror classic, “The Invisible Man” debuted in the top spot with an impressive $29 million haul. Yes, the movie only cost $7 million to produce so, it’s a major win for the studio and producer Jason Blum who has seen...

“The Invisible Man” Is A Ton Of Fun

HOLLYWOOD─I was so giddy to see the rebirth of a horror classic based on the iconic novel by H.G. Wells. Of course, we have the 1930s entry known as “The Invisible Man.” While not true horror, back then it was something unknown so it frightened the audience. If we’re talking about the most recent taken on the invisible man,...

“Brahms: The Boy II” Is A Waste

HOLLYWOOD─I will admit that the 2016 movie “The Boy” had a very interesting premise. While not the most original, the idea of a doll being a potential evil spirit was a lure, but the big twist at the climax of the movie slightly killed the tension, but also perked up the audience in my opinion. I never expected a...
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