Labor Week

The Visit With The Heart Doctor

UNITED STATES—I will be the first to admit this, I do not like going to the doctor. I actually have a fear of going to the doctor. I fear that aspect of receiving bad news and that paralyzes me completely. I recently got news after a doctor visit that caught the attention of my Primary Care Physician. He said...

Political Conventions Kick-Off

UNITED STATES—Well America, we are indeed getting much closer to November 2016, which only further raises the stakes as to who could potentially become the next President of the United States of America. We are looking at Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, but I would not count out a few independents or Libertarians joining the race as well to...

Some People Work Holidays

UNITED STATES—I get this question more times than I would like to hear it. What are you doing for the holiday? My answer: working. Yes, Labor Day was this past week, but I’m not like most Americans, hell, I would argue I am part of a select few who actually work in an industry that works most holidays. The...

To Give Or To Receive?!

UNITED STATES—Christmas is literally upon us and if you haven’t finished up that last minute shopping it’s either do or die at this point America. So this brings me to the question of the hour: is it better to give or to receive? Of course most people are going to say it’s better to give, even though behind closed...

College Education, What Is It Worth?

UNITED STATES—I was recently having a conversation with some friends and family about college. I know a lot of people tend to say that high school is the best days of your lives, but I disagree. College were the best times of my life, however, did I truly learn anything while in college? We had a heated debate about...

Family Infighting

UNITED STATES—I’ve said this before and I will say this again, family fights worse than anyone you can ever imagine. Blood has a way of cutting you deep in a way that you never expected and the problem is the amount of hate, disappointment and/or anger could reach feverish pitches. You might say where is all this coming from?...

Find Your Passion

UNITED STATES—It is a question you hear all the time and I think people think it is easy to answer, but it really is not. What is your passion in life? When I say passion I’m referring to something that just stirs the body, your mind, and your emotions in a way that nothing else in life does. It’s...

The Gucci Debacle

UNITED STATES—I wanted to marinate a bit on this issue before bringing it to the public forum because it’s much bigger than a designer name. I’m referring to the issue involving Gucci, and that sweater which many considered to be racist as it resembled blackface. Yes, I’ve seen the sweater and how it slipped the cracks, I have no...

Is This The New Normal?

UNITED STATES─It may have only been 2 weeks, but it is starting to feel like an eternity for most Americans with current orders nationwide for us to stay inside. It is starting to feel a bit like the new normal and let me be honest it is not a ton of fun. What normally feels like 24 hours in...

Celebrating Our Veterans Is Important America

UNITED STATES—For those who might be in the dark, Veterans Day is on Friday, November 11. For most Americans, it is just another federal holiday or day off, especially if you work for the government. However, it is NOT just a day off; it is a day where we should be paying tribute to our veterans, the people who...
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