Point of View

The Difficulty Of Teaching

UNITED STATES—The ability to teach is no easy task, which is the reason I have such a high level of respect for those who teach. I've always said in life, if I wasn't so passionate about writing and cinema, I would have been a teacher. There is something about sharing the knowledge that you have obtained with others that...

Does Loyalty Really Matter?

UNITED STATES—Loyalty is a word that gets thrown around quite a bit with the people in my inner circle. I see it quite often in the workplace, and it constantly raises a question for me: do these people truly understand what the word loyalty means or why it's important? I will be honest this analysis of mine was a...

Economic Downturn

UNITED STATES—What makes a city vibrant? Is it the geographic makeup, is it the people, is it the businesses, is it the economy, safety, work opportunities? There is a lot in play people, but I'm seriously tackling this issue as a native Detroiter, where all the talk of town right now is the anniversary of the 1967 riots that...

Death Is Scary!

UNITED STATES—There is one thing promised to everyone in life: death. Yes, death can be scary and while I don't fear it, I tell people time and time again that a near death experience can change you in ways that you can't always explain. I've had near death experiences and I've had family members encounter similar situations, so death...

Deception Is Easy To Spot

UNITED STATES—When you think of the word deception what comes to mind? Sneaky, snake, liar, there are plenty of words that one can use when you think of the idea of deception. To be honest I like the word deception more because it's a characteristic that many more people in America embody than we'd like to believe. Let me...

Flaunting Your Wealth

UNITED STATES—I tell people time and time again, there is a major difference between being rich and being wealthy. I always consider those who aim to be rich not thinking logically. Some might ask the question why? Well, I have a bit of an analogy in life, "You can be rich on Monday and flat broke on Tuesday." Yes,...

Debit Card Or Cash, What Do You Prefer?

UNITED STATES—It is a question that many people who are not so tech savvy have asked themselves rather its smarter to have a debit card or cash? It is something that I have debated for years, and I mean years people. Just 3 months ago, I finally got a debit card after being constantly annoyed by my bank. I...

Money Can Destroy People!

UNITED STATES—It’s not until you become an adult that you begin to consider the importance of having a will. I actually learned the importance of this document while a teenager and how it can protect one’s assets and ensures those that you care about are properly taken care of. With that being said, I’ve always wondered if it is...

It Is Time To Grow Up People!

UNITED STATES—Maturity, it’s something so many people have plenty of trouble fathoming. Life delivers curveballs, and at some point you have to roll with the punches and be able to stand up against any obstacle that pits you in a difficult position. I know I’m going to get some slack for this, but I don’t care. I’m barely considered...

Deaf Not Dumb

BEL AIR—Becoming deaf as a teenager who adored music wasn't easy...I think I would have accepted blindness if given a choice. Surely, my ears were my biggest gift of life but there was one person who seemed to suffer more than me... my mother. The first year was about seeing specialists, taking tests and getting opinions... 2nd… 3rd…4th…12th from basically...