Point of View

The Effects Of The Swedish Casino Regulations Have Not Been Positive

UNITED STATES—Swedes have a great interest in gambling.  They have been playing at casinos for centuries, but recently they observed a significant change in the casino industry. Firstly, the focus of gamblers shifted from physical casinos to online casinos. Secondly, the Swedish Gambling Act brought in various changes in the way gamblers play. Take a look at the impact...

Time Is So Precious

UNITED STATES—Time, it is the one thing that we can never get back or replace. Once that time is gone it is gone people. You might be thinking this column is in reference to spending time with loved ones, but you would be wrong. The focus of this column is putting into perspective how we spend the time we...

Working When You’re On Vacation!

UNITED STATES—What has this country come to? It seems like the good ole days of Americans taking personal holidays (sick days) and actual vacations have become a thing of the past. You might be saying why I have this belief. Well can you tell me the last time you went on vacation and didn’t actually have to check-in or...

Ins And Outs Of Medicare’s “Lifetime Reserve Days”

UNITED STATES—Toni: Can you explain why a hospital employee from the medical claims division asked my husband Greg to sign a form stating that he is aware that he is now in his “Lifetime Reserve Days” while he is waiting for his lung/heart double transplant? He went in the hospital in May for congested heart failure only to discover that...

Finding That Motivation At Work

UNITED STATES—Motivation is something that is not as easy to find some days. You have good days and then you have other days and how motivation comes into play with work is a mixed bag. Some days the pull is strong, other days the pull is very week. With that said, I must admit to everyone that I have...

Save Money Now, Have It For Later

UNITED STATES—Why are we as Americans not preparing for our future more? It is a disturbing trend, but we must understand now is the time to save because with inflation and so many other things on the rise currently that issue has to be fixed NOW and NOT later. The price of goods are not going down they are...

Eat Less, Move More

UNITED STATES—I am just going to call it: we are lazy when it comes to exercise. Too many Americans are gluttonous when it comes to food. We eat, and eat and eat, but we do little to no physical movement. The days of us actually cooking a meal at home has vastly changed. We like to eat or dine...

Will A Medicare Advantage Plan With Prescription Drugs Prevent “Extra” Part D Premium?

UNITED STATES—Hello Toni: I am turning 65 in October, self-employed and my income is over $250K. Recently I received a letter from SSA telling me that my monthly Medicare Part B premium of $170.10 would be doubled to $340.20 per month due to 2020 reported income. That was no surprise, but Social Security also said that the monthly adjustment...

School Is Now In Session!

UNITED STATES—For some children, school has already started in several states across the country. For others, they still have a few more weeks to enjoy the summer sun before they have to get into the hustle and bustle of the school routine. That is the thing about school it is indeed a routine, rather you like it or not....

Summer Is Over People!

UNITED STATES—I know I am going to catch some slack for saying this, but I am so happy that the month of August is almost over. Why? It’s a sign that summer is coming to an end and fall is here. I hate summer. I have no problem telling that to the world. I’m not a fan of heat...
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