Point of View

Lowering Your Monthly Expenses

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person who is tired of the skyrocketing costs each month when it comes to utilities (water, heat/gas, electricity, insurance, telephone, cable, and internet) that seem to be constantly rising all the time, while the service from your providers is constantly on the decline. I can understand a slight rate increase every...

The Plight Of Homeless Teens

UNITED STATES—I have to applaud musician and actress Miley Cyrus because what she did Sunday at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards was shed light on an issue in America: homelessness. Homelessness is very bad, but in some cases it’s even worse for the teenagers and children. We don’t always hear about these stories, but they are indeed out...

Considering A Career Change?

UNITED STATES—With a new year brings new opportunities. I know I’m not the only person in this boat. Let’s all say it: 2020 was one hell of a year, it was challenging, stressful, burdensome and left so many Americans with such levels of anxiety, you could bottle it up in a jar if you wanted to. The biggest thing...

Taking A Digital Detox

UNITED STATES─Do you have a smart phone? Do you have a flip phone? A tablet, an iPad? You might be asking exactly what am I getting at. Technology dictates our life that is the message I’m trying to get across to everyone. No matter what you do, technology will always be part of your life in the current world...

Cathartic Release Of Frustration

UNITED STATES—When was the last time that you screamed? How about the last time you just said exactly what you felt without any repercussions? For many Americans that is a rarity and I don’t think it’s because we are afraid to do it, it’s because we wonder how people will perceive us. Yes, we are a society where everyone...

Cali Cracks Down On Texting While Driving

UNITED STATES—Even the most relaxed motorists must admit that distracted driving is a significant safety concern in California. In fact, recent survey data suggests over 57 percent of Californians either got into an accident or were almost injured in a distracted driving crash. Interestingly, about 46 percent of Californians claim using a cellphone is the most dangerous distraction on today's...

News Junkie

UNITED STATES—I would say to a degree I’m a bit of a news junkie, but for reasons that suits a purpose in everyday life: I need to know what’s happening around me. I know so many people who seem to blow a casket about the mere idea of watching the news on the tube, the internet or in print....

A Closer Look At Spending Habits

UNITED STATES—Sometimes you have to take a moment and really examine your expenses. You have to look at where the income you are bringing in is going. I take a look at my expenses in my convenient notebook once a week, but even then I realized that was not enough. Why? Money was being spent and I didn’t fully...

The Balance Of Power Shifts

UNITED STATES—Well it looks like the Republican Party has found a way to maintain the reigns of the House and the Senate. Super Tuesday as many political pundits like to call it proved to be a victorious one for the Republican Party who was able to gain control of the Senate and the House for the first time since...

Sticking To That New Year Resolution

UNITED STATES—For most people, its February, and at this point many people may have given up on their New Year’s Resolution, but for myself I’m still going strong after about 6 weeks into the New Year. I made a bunch of resolutions, but the biggest I have stuck to is not eating fast food. Yes, it might be daunting...
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