
Healthcare 101

UNITED STATES—For years we have had this ongoing debate between Republicans and Democrats about the issue of healthcare and health insurance in the United States of America. I mean I’ve echoed the issue so many times it has tied knots in my brain. Like can’t we already come to a compromise and utilize a methodology similar to what is...

Is It Safe To Fly?

UNITED STATES—Man, it seems like ever since the United Airlines debacle we are hearing about a new incident involving the friendly skies every single week. I mean either there is some illness going around or people are literally finding ANY opportunity to present to place any of the major airline companies in a negative light. First, we heard about...

Balancing Act

UNITED STATES—Life can be tense people. Sometimes some of us are juggling SO MUCH we feel like there is no end in sight. For me, I’m starting to feel the burn. Balancing life and work is difficult, but imagine balancing multiple jobs, school and family life. Yeah, the amount of stress now reaches gargantuan heights. I’m starting to realize...

Social Media Video Overload

UNITED STATES—Oh, the powers that be would make one think social media is SUCH a major tool in public sphere. However, I’m hearing way too many horror stories nowadays about how dangerous social media is becoming. It’s like a classic motive in the horror film “Scream 4;” everyone wants to be famous and are willing to go to extreme...

Tax Season Comes To An End!

UNITED STATES—Well, the time has come America, tax season has culminated and for those not receiving a refund, which may be more of us than expected, paying Uncle Sam is never fun, but what are you going to do? If you owe taxes, the biggest piece of advice I always give is prepare in advance. Even if you file...

Supreme Court Melee

UNITED STATES—Well, we are back at it once again people. Democrats and Republicans are wielding their level of immaturity and power once again to the American public, as Congress is set for a vote to either confirm or deny the appointment of President Donald Trump’s candidate for the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. The back and forth pandering has been...

Grappling When You Are Feeling Blue

UNITED STATES—Feeling sick is NEVER a good feeling for any person. I mean this month I have been sick twice, yes I said it twice, which is very uncommon for me. On average, when I get sick it’s usually 1-2 times a year, normally during the peak of the summer months. However, for the oddest reason my body has...

Making A Decision

UNITED STATES—I want you to make a choice, between this or between that. What is it about Americans being forced to make a decision that leaves us wanting to tear out our hair and rattle our brains? We are always worried about what if? What would have happened if we choose this outcome versus the initial outcome we selected?...

Sleep Deprivation Woes

UNITED STATES—Sleep, it is the one thing that is so important to everyone’s daily lives. Too many of us, we are running into situations where we are not achieving a specified amount of sleep each night as recommended by doctors. We’ve had this discussion in the past; we should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night....

To Be An Adult!

UNITED STATES—What does it take to be an adult? For many people, they’d make the argument that when you turn 18, you are of legal age and you are an adult. Would I agree with that assertion? Not a chance. Age is just a number and just because one is 18 does not necessarily MEAN one is ready to...
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