
Generations Molded By Technology

UNITED STATES—We do indeed live in a world that is driven by technology. I mean if I was to ask someone what a landline was they probably would have trouble telling or showing me. I mean if I were to revert back to the time when I was growing up, the idea of a cell phone was something of...

To Be An Adult!

UNITED STATES—What does it take to be an adult? For many people, they’d make the argument that when you turn 18, you are of legal age and you are an adult. Would I agree with that assertion? Not a chance. Age is just a number and just because one is 18 does not necessarily MEAN one is ready to...

Smart Money Management

UNITED STATES—Its February, and for most Americans they are in the midst of receiving those credit card statements in the mail showcasing what charges were made over the big Christmas holiday. In addition, most Americans are in the midst of receiving their w-2 and 1099s from their employers as they begin to make preparations for tax season. Yes, tax season...

Super Bowl LI Analysis

UNITED STATES—The Super Bowl has not always been an event that was a must-see for me. I have my reasons, particularly the fact that it’s almost a given who will win the game by the end of the first quarter in most cases. However, Super Bowl LI proved to be a ton of fun for those who watched. While...

The Pet Sitter

UNITED STATES—It seems nowadays that everyone wants to have a pet. I mean growing up as a kid, we were thrilled, and I mean thrilled when we got our first dog that lived well into my 20s before he ultimately died of old age. However, while a pet is a staple for many Americans, I do believe someone should...

Political Rhetoric

UNITED STATES—Man politics is just that one topic that people always get heated about. Rather you’re amongst family, friends or in the workplace, it’s certain to be a conversation that everyone has an opinion about. I mean just this past weekend; I was having a heated debate with a co-worker about certain political policies and the entire debate of...

Bursting A Negative Bubble

UNITED STATES—Negative energy, I’m not a fan of it. I hate being around it and I do my best to eliminate those people who want to bring negative energy into my bubble. Why? It spreads like a plague. It raises a big question as to why some people harp on negative energy, when they can shift their focus on...

Danger On The Roads

UNITED STATES—Driving is indeed a privilege. That is a saying that I have heard time and time again, and it’s very true. Controlling a vehicle on the road can be treacherous if the person behind the wheel has no idea what they are doing. So it raises the big question, should the driving age be elevated to ensure younger...

The Professor From Hell

UNITED STATES—I have had plenty of professors throughout my college career, both as an undergraduate and a graduate student. I am a firm believer that teachers are some of the most underrated individuals in our society. I mean the ability to teach is no easy task to say the least. However, I’ve never ran into a professor that I...

What To Do When You Are Sick?

UNITED STATES—Being ill or sick as most of us like to call it is no fun feeling. For many Americans, when we get sick it usually lasts for a day or so, however, I think any cold, sore throat, stomach ache or just overall feeling of dread takes more than a day to recover from. I bring this situation to...
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