
Grocery Shopping On A Mission

UNITED STATES—I sometimes hate grocery shopping and I’ll tell you why. It seems no matter what you buy at times, it’s never enough. Let me better explain that; sometimes when you’re looking for the right items you can never seem to find them. I’m a fan of the summer months, because the warm weather is the introduction of some of...

Shoe Buying Is Not Easy

UNITED STATES—This weekend I did something that I rarely do, I went shopping for new athletic shoes. When I was a teenager and in my early 20s I would probably have 4-5 pairs of shoes a year, now that I’m older, I might be lucky if I have 1-2 pairs. It seems the style of athletic shoes nowadays have changed...

Relationship Blues

UNITED STATES—What can I say relationships are not easy. They require lots of work, and if you’re not willing to put in the work that relationship will falter.  Recently, a writer composed an article about the reasons why marriage has completely changed from back in the day and marriage is no longer the same. The good ole days of the...

Work Frustrations

UNITED STATES—Work, some of us love it, most of us hate it. Why is that? Well, when it comes to work, most of us have yet to obtain that dream job. Where you wake up in the morning and have a gleeful grin on your face about actually going to work. For most of us, it’s a struggle to...

Glorifying Beauty

UNITED STATES—How does one define the word ‘beauty?’ Is it outward appearance, is it inner appearance or is it behavior? There are a variety of ways to describe precisely what it means to be beautiful, but why does American culture place beauty on such a pedestal? We like to categorize people, as much as we’d argue we’re not an egotistical,...

Public Perception

UNITED STATES—Ok, this was something that I wanted to talk about for weeks, but the latest public figure to throw their hat in the ring just caused me to lose it. We all know Kelly Clarkson had a baby recently, and most women while pregnant put on a bit of weight, but the backlash the singer has been receiving...

Why Isn’t Easter A ‘Holiday?’

UNITED STATES—There is something that has bugged me for years, and I can’t seem to get the answer from anyone. This Sunday marks the official kick-off to spring if you ask many people because Easter has arrived, but just why isn’t Easter really considered a holiday. This comes from the perspective of those of us who work. While most businesses...

Movie Madness

UNITED STATES—I’ve always been a fan of going to the movies. As long as I can remember it was a ritual for me to head to the multiplex at least once a week. As I’ve gotten older it has decreased somewhat, because of a busy schedule and the price it costs to go to the movies. For starters, the ticket...

Legal Corruption

UNITED STATES—I’ve always questioned our legal system and for good reason, as it appears the idea of obtaining justice isn’t something that those in power care to display. One of my colleagues wrote a piece last week about the case involving teenager Audrie Pott who committed suicide in California after being sexually assaulted by several teens at a party. Those...

Fruit, Veggies Or Junk Food?

UNITED STATES—Why is it when it comes to grabbing a quick snack that we always reach for junk food? It’s something I ask myself time and time again, and continue to grapple with when it comes to eating healthy. It’s like when you enter the grocery store the number of junk items is multiplied by thousands. So what can we...
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