
Terrorism Strikes Again Overseas

UNITED STATES—Yesterday was a difficult day for many Americans, many people across the world. After hearing about the terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande concert in the United Kingdom I was left numb. I couldn’t do anything, but sit and watch the TV screen to get updates on the incident, what transpired, how many were...

The Tax Refund Is Here, Now What?

UNITED STATES—For most Americans, tax season is in full force and many are now tasked with what to do with that tax refund that is expected in the mail or that has arrived in the bank account. Be aware, you can’t cheat the IRS, for those looking to do so, you will indeed be caught. We have become enamored...

Making Health A Top Priority

UNITED STATES—Oh, I had an interesting weekend to say the least. The past few months have been stressful to say the least; probably chaotic is a better term to use. Like most men, I don’t take my health as seriously as I should, but I got a wake-up call when I suffered from exhaustion. The doctor pretty much laid out...

A Tribute To All The Dads Out There

UNITED STATES—This Sunday marks Father’s Day, and I hate to say this, but it’s true: dads receive the short-end of the stick. This is not to take anything from moms because they are great, they are superwomen who can juggle more tasks than most of us can imagine without getting burned out. However, why does it seem that Father’s...

I Hate Technology Sometimes

UNITED STATES—Technology can be great for the most part, but at times it can be so frustrating you don’t know what to do with yourself. Some of you might be asking why this has become a conversation for the week? Well it’s easy, I had done some strenuous writing earlier in the week and I am certain, take that...

Thanksgiving Is Upon Us People

UNITED STATES—The holiday season is fast approaching, with Halloween behind us, people should be aware that Thanksgiving is literally less than 2 weeks away. What does that mean? It’s time to start preparing! Some people might say, well what exactly does that mean? It means if you are hosting the big Thanksgiving festivities there is no time like the...

Glorious Christmas Memories

UNITED STATES—Man I cannot believe it Christmas is literally less than 2 weeks away. It seems like as soon as Halloween comes, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and after that Christmas is upon us. I love the season of autumn; it’s that time of year where it’s all about family, memories and giving to the less fortunate. For...

Money Mania Madness

UNITED STATES—Have you ever had that situation arise where you were expecting a large sum of money? Did your mind race with a ton of ideas that you had virtually no clue as to what you were planning to do with such a large sum? Well join the club, because that situation is about to arise for me. Money is...

Ready For Summer

UNITED STATES—In a few short days, summer will officially kick-off in my eyes because Memorial Day and the official start of grill season is underway. Summer brings so many great things and bad things at the same time. For starters, everyone wants to have that beach body in tip top shape. That means you might have been in doors...

A Hustle Is Always A Good Thing

UNITED STATES—Let’s just be frank America, many Americans have side hustles. Yes, you might have your typical 9-5 or that job that is your primary income, hell you might have a part-time gig as well, but then you have that side hustle that helps you bring in extra cash flow or income you might need for other things that...
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