HOLLYWOOD—Ben Weston has returned to Salem on the NBC soap “Days of Our Lives,” but all isn’t as it seems. Ben was nearly on the verge of cracking when he took Ciara back to that same cabin where he held Abigail hostage, killed the mid-wife, and nearly killed Chad and Abby when he set the place ablaze. Ciara was rattled when she awoke to see Ben by her bedside, but the more these two chatted it became apparent two troubled souls would soon become one, or at least the audience should prepare for it.
Hope and Rafe were on a mission to locate Ciara’s whereabouts, after Tripp confessed he sort of cheated on Ciara. Rafe, Hope and Eli were able to locate Ciara’s motorcycle and her helmet, but not her, which lead Mama Hope to spiral out of control. Just imagine the look on Rafe and Hope’s face when they discovered Ciara in a cabin with Ben of all people. Making the situation worse, was hearing how Ben saved her life. It could all be an act, or maybe, just maybe, ‘The Necktie Killer’ has indeed reformed himself, at least for now!
The love triangle between Brady, Theresa and Eve is really turning ugly. Theresa, who looked like a dead man walking, has gained an ally in Victor who is looking to toss Eve out of his life once and for all, and sever her ties with Brady. Brady is committed to Eve, but Theresa is utilizing her lure to draw Brady into her orbit. It is indeed an interesting dynamic to see JJ and Theresa sharing an apartment. I mean at a time JJ and Theresa were both wild, but both have grown up significantly since then.
Its apparent JJ has a torch still for Lani, but something is telling me he’s going to hook-up with Theresa during a drunken stupor. Speaking of Lani, it looks like her bundle of joy is coming a bit earlier than she expected. I’m still wondering if the writers are intending to make Lani and Eli a couple. I saw the chemistry at first, but nowadays I’m not so certain about that. I love seeing Kayla cross to the dark side as an ally to Stefan in her quest to help repair his vision.
She is gathering detail on Kate, without Kate having the slightest clue that her days could soon be numbered. Not only does she have to worry about Stefan’s wrath, but Victor, Sonny, Justin, Will, Paul and Adrienne, when they learn what she has done to Sonny. Not to mention she is doing her best to fend off advances from Leo’s lawyer Ted. Leo is a devious one, little does he know Sonny has an ace up his sleeve in Will. Yes, Will has been injected with Dr. Rolf’s serum and it looks like fragments of his memory are starting to come back. Yeah, that hug between Will and Sonny stirred a few things in everyone’s favorite Horton, but he lied to Paul about it.
Will be careful, it looks like you’re about to get caught in another lie. I mean we all know you took an additional vile of that serum and you’re planning to inject yourself again in hopes of reigniting your memories. With news that Christopher Sean is vacating the role of Paul in the near future, so that spells doom for Will and Paul’s relationship people!