PORTLAND— On Saturday, August 29 a man was fatally shot outside of a parking garage on Southeast 3rd Avenue and Alder Street at around 8:45 p.m., according to a police report. The victim who was shot in the chest has been identified but Portland PD has not yet released his name to the public.
Pictures of the corpse have revealed that the victim was wearing a Patriot Prayer hat, indicating that the victim was linked to the Trump caravan that took place in Downtown Portland earlier that evening. The Pictures also revealed that the victim had a thin blue line flag patch on his bag.
Earlier that day around 200 vehicles drove through the streets of downtown Portland in support of Trump and Blue Lives Matter. The caravan was largely made up of Patriot Prayer members, who are a local right wing Portland group who often demonstrate.
Tweets from freelance journalist who were on the ground that night document violence coming from both the rally go-ers as well as the counter-protesters.

Tensions were high after the two groups clashed the weekend before. With very little police presence the two groups maced and and used various weapons against each other the weekend prior to the Homicide.
Very little facts have been confirmed by Portland PD regarding the homicide. However, Portland Journalist believe to have interviewed the victim just hours before his murder.

More information concerning the relation between this interview and the victim of the homicide can be found in an article by Sparling.
While Portland PD have still not confirmed the identity of the deceased, Joey Gibson who is the head of the Patriot Prayer group identified the victim as Aaron Danielson. Gibson also released the victims Gofundme and warned people that there are many fraud Gofundme pages out at the moment, so those who give should do so with caution.
The shooter is still at-large. Anyone with any additional information concerning the homicide is advised to contact Detective Rico Beniga by phone at 503-823-0457, or via email at Rico.Beniga@portlandoregon.gov.