SAN FRANCISCO—On Sunday, November 4, officers from the San Francisco Police Department Tenderloin Station arrested Kevin Deametris Wilson for failing to register as a sex offender. Wilson 45, was arrested on the 100 Block of Leavenworth Street in front of Compass Children’s Center, a preschool for low-income children.
Wilson was wanted by CDC and Alameda County on a no bail arrest for not registering as a sex offender. Also arrested by police was Tommy Garvin, 34, for evading registration as a sex offender. He was charged with possession of a replica firearm and being a CDC parolee since this past June. Garvin was arrested at GG/Leavenworth.
According to Megan’s Law, sex offender information must be available to the public, which requires all sex offenders to register. Wilson and Garvin could be fined and face jail time.
Twitter users expressed their gratitude to the Tenderloin Police Station for apprehending the suspects.
Chris Wagner, Board Chair of Compass Children’s Center tweeted:
“The 100 block of Leavenworth is where a pre-school for low-income and homeless children (Compass Children’s Center) is located. I’m Board Chair of @compasssf which operates the school and we greatly appreciate the hard work you do to protect everyone in the neighborhood.”