SAN FRANCISCO—Noise complaints for a San Francisco marathon were accidentally redirected to a phone sex hotline on Sunday, October 20.
Complainants calling the 311 line to file complaints for the Nike Marathon were in for a shock when they instead were put through to a sex line and heard racy language, according to reports. Many of the complaints came from residents near San Francisco’s Union Square, where 30,000 marathon runners had gathered at 5:30 a.m., with the race beginning at 6:30 a.m.
According to city officials, complainants were given the wrong number and there is an investigation into how the mix-up occurred. According to reports, the 311 line gave out 1-800-RUN-NIKE as the complaint line, whereas the correct number begins with 866.
Nancy Alfaro, director of the 311 service, issued a statement that the incorrect number was only given out for half an hour before the beginning of the race, but reports have said that the incorrect number was still being given out on Monday, October 21. Nike has not issued a statement regarding the mishap.
By Melissa Simon