HOLLYWOOD—There have been a lot of movies in 2016 that are must-sees, however, there is one movie that I would HIGHLY recommend for anyone every interested in the world of politics, and lobbyists. “Miss Sloane,” a movie that received a bit of buzz via actress Jessica Chastain, who was nominated for a Golden Globe award at this year’s ceremony, is a must-see. This is a film that is not nearly getting the buzz that it deserves, because as a critic, filmmaker and fan of all things cinema, this movie has it all.
Chastain rises to the occasion portraying Elizabeth Sloane, one of the top lobbyists in the nation, and her reputation without a doubt follows her. This is a movie that starts off with a load of dialogue and to be honest it might turn a few people away, but don’t be intimidated by the language. The dialogue is a privy element to this moment where jargon is used not many of us will ever understand. It’s no secret that not many people understand the world of politics, but “Miss Sloane” finds a way to educate the American public a little bit on the ins-and-outs of companies that aim to use publicists, lobbyists and politicians to ensure they get their way, rather it’s through publicity, secrets, lies, deception, blackmail and even murder to some degree!
The bulk of the narrative revolves around Sloane, a top-notch lobbyist at her firm who finds herself standing up for an issue that she appears passionate about, but later becomes a testament to prove her abilities. That issue involves gun control in America. Now this is where I found the movie to really strike a chord with spectators; it’s discussing an issue that should be relevant, one that we should care about, one where we should have a larger conversation about.
Seeing the dynamics of what a lobbyist does and the ins and outs of the world of politics and how it intersects with the media was fascinating. In the midst of being presented with the offer to take on the firm’s newest client, Sloane finds herself wooed by a rival company that is excited to have her on board with a voice for victory, and tackling the underdog.
What is so important about “Miss Sloane” is it places one in a decisive position: either you’re one for the Second Amendment and the right to carry a gun or with those aimed to restricting gun laws to protect mass shootings that have exploded across the country in recent years. I’m a proponent who understands both avenues, but “Miss Sloane” causes that debate to be open to a larger format. Are people questioning the ramifications of less strict gun laws?
I mean hands down this is Jessica Chastain’s movie. She is phenomenal in the role and I can totally understand why she earned a Golden Globe nomination, but I would have to advocate the actress should have been in the mix for a Best Actress Oscar. Her performance left me glued to the screen and she plays a woman who suffers from insomnia, a lack of companionship, not to mention that she frequently sleeps with a gigolo with impeccable precision. The level of secrets this woman manages to keep without exploding is epic. Chastain’s performance is only intensified with the quality of actors and actresses surrounding her including Sam Waterston, John Lithgow, Mark Strong, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Alison Pill and Michael Stuhlbarg.
It was a massive treat seeing colleagues Sloane and Jane (Alison Pill) go toe-to-toe. I mean how often does one get to see a protégé attempt to outwit her teacher with satisfying results? The script by Jonathan Perera is smart, clever and thrilling; leaving one on the edge of their seat. And director John Madden is exceptional behind the camera staging the action with a methodology that seems so visceral, so realistic it’s pulse-pounding. Dare I say and go against all critics and put “Miss Slone” on my list as one of the best movies of 2016, because I’m saying that. It was a phenomenal movie to watch!