SAN FRANCISCO—San Francisco’s new District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, fired more than a dozen staff members who were originally a part of former DA Chesa Boudin’s team. The mass firing comes just two weeks after she was initially sworn in on July 8.
According to reports, Jenkins did not intend to fire so many staff members, but instead intended to ‘reshuffle’ the office. On Friday, July 15, she announced that there are going to be changes that will require a major reconstruction of the office currently in place. Her former staff stated that their introductory meeting with her was “insane, icy, and uncomfortable.”
“Today, I made difficult, but important changes to my management team and staff that will help advance my vision to restore a sense of safety in San Francisco by holding serious and repeat offenders accountable and implementing smart criminal justice reforms,” Jenkins said in a statement.
Managing Attorney Arcelia Hurtado was recently let go alongside the 25 others. Hurtado served on the city’s Innocence Commission. The Commission is responsible for investigating potential wrongful convictions.
Her predecessor, Chesa Boudin, was criticized by many, including Jenkins’ newly appointed colleagues, for not being tough enough on crime. Jenkins reportedly resigned from her job last October to lead the recall Chesa Boudin campaign.