Photo courtesy of Neon Tommy.

HOLLYWOOD—Fans were eagerly pleased to see the return of “Revenge” Sunday night, after being a week away from viewers, the series returned with episode eight titled “Lineage.” It was a welcome change for the series that flashed back to November 2006 to shed some light on our characters past; notably the introduction between Emily and Aiden, as well as Victoria and her mother portrayed by the wicked Adrienne Barbeau.   Like mother, like daughter.  Some old wounds were open that shed light onVictoria’s devilish ways.  Audiences were also given the opportunity to see how the relationship between Ashley and Emily formed.

Carl, Jack and Declan’s father was not the nice guy everyone thought he was.  He has some secrets that are divulged over a period of time.  Emily received her first mission from Takeda involving a missing girl. It was obvious that the mission unnerved our hero to a degree.  It was a treat to see Nolan’s company go global; we’ve always known he was incredibly rich, but it was nice to see how those riches came to fruition. Emily infiltrated the headquarters of Dimitri’s hideout to carry out her mission given to her by Takeda.

It was discovered that Colleen (the missing girl) was Aiden’s sister and he wanted to enact vengeance which ultimately placed Emily into the mix of chaos. It was intriguing to watchVictoriaforce her mother’s skin to crawl as she grilled her fiancé about their relationship. She was plotting vengeance and as the secrets began to unravel the truth stunned viewers.

Jack found himself in harms way after someone attempted to torch the boat house and begged for answers from his father about the trouble that he has gotten into.Victoriadecided to strike her mother where it hurts most: the truth.  Her mother forced her to shoot and kill someone.  What is worse, she was abused by her mother’s lover.  This gravely explains the reasonVictoriabehaves the way that she does.   Revenge is a dish best served cold!

Takeda showed up to rescue both Emily and Aiden from Dimitri’s clutches, but Aiden was unable to resist the temptation to murder the man responsible for his sister’s disappearance, leaving both Emily and Takeda to clean up his mess. Nolan’s first love was heartbreak as he sacrificed love to protect Emily and her father.  It was unfathomable to see Conrad torch Daniel’s poetic pieces of art; parents can be devious beings when they want to be.

Carl was a witness to a murder and he helped cover it up.  Jack knows something is not right, but he never calls his father out on it. This may explain why Jack currently has enemies after his father’s boat house. It appears both Aiden and Emily bonded through tragedy and we flash-forward to the present where the duo has consummated their relationship. Daniel makes a call to Nolan’s former flame; he might be playing with fire, but it will be interesting to see how things unfold once Nolan learns the truth.

Next week’s mark’s the winter finale for the series and from the teaser murder is on the horizon.  If there is one thing we all know about “Revenge” is the series knows how to keep the audience on the edge of their seat. Until next Sunday “Revenge” lovers!

By LaDale Anderson