HOLLYWOOD—Can you believe the 10th, let me repeat 10th entry into the “Saw” Franchise will be arriving in theaters on September 29. Yes, that is right, after a bit of a reprieve John Kramer aka Jigsaw is pack to unleash more torture and inventive traps to punish the underserving and wicked in “Saw X.” After “Saw VII” was expected to be the final entry in the franchise in 2010, audiences were treated to “Jigsaw” in 2017, and then a spinoff “Spiral” in 2021.

Well that infamous puppet is back, and so is his puppeteer in the latest torture porn fest. Yes, the gruesome violence in “Saw” has always been a theme that people have been fascinated and appalled by. The interesting development this time around is the movie is not a requel, not quite a sequel, but takes place between “Saw” and “Saw II” so that is interesting in itself.

FYI for those not in the know, the first “Saw” had a spine tingling ending that left everyone stunned. Its sequel was just as satisfying with its lure of twists. After the first two flicks, things got a bit janky. However, John Kramer (Bell) travels to Mexico where he is told there are doctors who might be able to cure his cancer. After the procedure, John learns the doctors’ promised a false narrative and his vindictive side emerges as he seeks vengeance on those who are providing false hope to the public.

The first trailer and probably the ONLY one (I’m hoping) gives a slice of the intricate traps Jigsaw has in play for those who are about to repent for their sins. Bloody? Without a doubt? Brutal? Get ready to close your eyes and spine-tingling in ways that only fans of horror can imagine. One scene in particular sees a doctor having to perform brain surgery on himself! I feel like horror has been a bit dry as of late since the release of “Scream VI” in March, but we have “The Nun 2,” “The Exorcist: Believer” and now “Saw X” to the slate for fall 2023. Looks, like October will be a spooky good ole time. Check out the trailer above.