SAN FRANCISCO—An officer from the San Francisco Police Department was attacked by a suspect who utilized an edged weapon on September 26. According to the SFPD, the incident occurred at approximately 2:20 p.m., after officers from the SFPD Airport Bureau responded to a report of a suspicious person in the roadway of lower Terminal One.
The first responding officer spotted the suspect in the baggage claim area of Terminal One near a baggage carousel. When the officer attempted to make contact with the suspect, he attacked the officer without warning or provocation, swinging the edged weapon violently at the officer. The officer was able to knock the suspect to the ground in an attempt to take him into custody.
With the officer struggling, bystanders in the baggage claim region came to the officer’s aid. Several helped the officer to control the suspect, as others ran to the nearby police substation and informed SFPD personnel of the attack. Officers and Police Service Aides arrived on the scene and the suspect was taken into custody. The suspect has been identified as Dooris Johnston, 64, who was booked into the San Mateo County Jail on charges of attempted murder of a peace officer and making a criminal threat.
The 49 year-old officer, who is a 23-year veteran with the SFPD, was transported to a hospital where he was treated for lacerations to his face and neck and stab wounds to his hand and leg. He was released from the hospital later in the day.
“We spoke with the officer this morning and he is in great spirits and doing well. He is very relieved that no members of the public were hurt and that he was able to overcome this violent attack,” said SFPD Airport Bureau Deputy Chief Denise Schmitt.
“He is thankful for the quick action of bystanders and especially the other airport employees who jumped in to assist him once he got the suspect on the ground. He and his family appreciate all the supportive messages they have received. His full recovery will take a while but he is looking forward to returning to the job he loves at SFO.”