SAN FRANCISCO—The San Francisco International Airport (SFO) announced on Monday, April 12 that some flights will be experiencing delays for the next four months due to construction.
The construction, which started on April 26, closes Runway 28 Right, which is SFO’s “longest runway,” according to a press release. The airport plans to “repave the surface layer, construct two new taxiways, expand eight runway-taxiway intersections, and improve lighting infrastructure.”
SFO said this “project” was supposed to begin next year, but it has been “accelerated” in order to “take advantage of reduced flight schedules” from “the COVID-19 pandemic” and notes that airlines currently operate “approximately 50% of the flights originally scheduled prior to the pandemic,” states the press release.
During these four months, SFO said to “expect moderate delays, with most delays occurring on flights scheduled between 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PDT” and recommends travelers to schedule flights “outside of those hours to reduce their risk of being delayed.”
Fast Company recently named SFO as one of the “Most Innovative Travel Companies for 2021” for “making airports healthier and more human-centric,” states the magazine’s website.
The SF International Airport expects everything to be completed by this Labor Day, which is on Monday, September 6, 2021.