HOLLYWOOD—While it was long overdue, I am so ecstatic that the writers decided to bring back the Spectra clan in a new light. The Spectra’s have brought a level of sass and drama to the CBS soap “The Bold and the Beautiful” that frankly has been missing for quite some time. You can only have the same love triangle for so long before it becomes downright boring people. So enter Sally, the lady who has stolen Thomas’ heart and ignited a rivalry with his sister Steffy that has been great television.
The first Spectra fashion show was a complete disaster courtesy of Bill Specter and his desire to wield his power to please his golden son, Liam Spencer. This might sound bad to say it, but I’m kind of happy we haven’t seen too much Liam lately; it’s nice to see the show put the spotlight on some other players on the soap. Speaking of Thomas, he’s emotionally torn with the revelation that he just got hoodwinked by Sally, who he thought truly cared about him.
Thomas she actually does, but she was doing her best to save you a bit of heartbreak. I like the coupling of Sally and Thomas, they have great chemistry, plus she forces Steffy to realize the world does not revolve around her. It’s evident that Sally is quite remorseful regarding her actions; I mean she ripped her grandmother to shreds and shed a few tears along the way. However, Sally isn’t the only one heartbroken.
Coco was devastated to learn her grandmother and sister played her like a fiddle and she had no idea. Yeah, that broch that you were certain was so a fashion item was a big ruse. The teen is grappling with multiple betrayals, not just family, but RJ and the Forrester clan. Now, this is where I get a bit annoyed. Many members of the Forrester clan need to be knocked down a pedestal or two. Ridge for starters, you just cheated on your fiancé, not to mention with your father’s wife no less. To make matters worse, you still haven’t divulged to your family and father the dirty deed you committed. I think you should take a seat on the moral police community because your license has been revoked.
Now Brooke, you don’t even work at Forrester anymore, so please explain to me, why in the hell are you always at this fashion house. I mean your son Rick works there, but you’re no longer with Ridge, so you should be dealing with other issues to say the least. Maya, you are no SAINT so please stop acting like it. Jeez, give this lady a storyline already or take her off the canvas for a little while. And Steffy, of course she would be livid with Forrester having their entire collection stolen! I mean she is the CEO so things don’t look good for her position if you ask me.
Coco and Sally both delivered a tongue lashing to their grandmother, who sympathized, but was more concerned about preventing the family legacy from going under. I’m certain we have not heard the last of this storyline and we should expect a few fireworks, catfights and bombshells as May sweeps arrive. Bill Spencer, instead of focusing his attention on Spectra, he should be focused on wooing Brooke back to his orbit now that Ridge and her are so over. I wonder what Bill would do if he actually discovered what Ridge did to result in their break-up. I mean Katie already knows, and I must say it’s quite fun to see this Logan sister have a bit of leverage over Quinn who has sleuthed her way out of one too many sticky situations.
However, Quinn is VERY DANGEROUS when she feels the walls closing in. We already had a premonition where Quinn bludgeoned Katie, could it actually come to fruition? Time will only time. For now, it looks like the rivalry between Spectra and Forrester will peak to places viewers never expected and with two Forrester members smitten by Spectra gals, there is no telling what will transpire when love becomes an element.