Tag: change

Change Can Be Scary, But Warranted

UNITED STATES—It is so scary America, but sometimes change is part of life. I will admit that I am someone who does not like...

Change Is Scary, But Good

UNITED STATES—I will admit I am someone who likes a routine. When I have a system in place I don’t like to see adjustments...

Change For 2021

UNITED STATES—I know I am NOT the only person who thinks 2020 has been perhaps one of the worst years they’ve seen in their...


The New Cities UNITED STATES—First I came for the dream. The dream was the thing, and for the dream I could afford anything. I could...

Making A Major Lifestyle Change

UNITED STATES—In life, sometimes you have to take a moment and re-examine what is going on in your life. A lot of the time...

Breakfast For Chameleons

UNITED STATES—Zozobra--that's a Spanish word for colossal delirium which was unleashed when my elderly mother revealed that some letters of mine had ended up...

Every Penny Counts

UNITED STATES—We have all been told that every penny counts, and in my personal opinion it does. However, I see so many people; toss...
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