Tag: Economy

Worker Realization

UNITED STATES—There has been so much conversation in the past 18 months about the workforce in America and how so many businesses are facing...

Google Investing $1 Billion In CA

CALIFORNIA — On Thursday, March 18, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced that Google will invest $1 billion in California as part of a $7...

UC Asks CA Delegation To Double Pell Grants For Students

CALIFORNIA—The University of California (UC) sent a letter to the California Congressional Delegation on Monday, March 1 urging them to take action on doubling...

Former San Diego Mayor Announces Run For Governor

CALIFORNIA—Kevin Faulconer, the former mayor of San Diego, announced on Monday, February 1 that he will run for governor of California as Governor Gavin...

COVID-19 Is Killing The Economy!

UNITED STATES—This is the craziest thing in the world, but got damn I cannot wait till this COVID-19 pandemic ends. There are so many...

Mayors In Minnesota Endorse Trump For Re-Election

DULUTH, MN—Six Minnesota mayors from cities in the state’s “Iron Range,” a name for iron mining regions around Lake Superior, signed an open letter...

Businesses Are Closing Left And Right

UNITED STATES—The worry is becoming quite real for me right now. I cannot tell you how many businesses that I have seen shuttered their...

Opening The Economy Too Soon?

UNITED STATES─Unless you have been living under a rock, you know by now, some states across the U.S. are starting to reopen their economies....

Retailers In Major Trouble

UNITED STATES─When I heard the news on Sunday that high-end retailer Neiman Marcus was looking to file bankruptcy as early as this week it...

Can And How Will The Economy Bounce Back?

UNITED STATES─The Coronavirus pandemic has placed the economy at a complete standstill. People continue to compare what is taking place in 2020 to what...
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