Tag: food

Cooking Made Easy

UNITED STATES—Let’s be frank, most Americans cannot stand the idea of preparing a meal in the kitchen. It’s never easy to craft a dish...

Food Network Is Not What It Used To Be!

HOLLYWOOD—I have always been a fan of The Food Network. This cable channel really helped me become the cook that I am today and...

Irresistible Temptations

UNITED STATES—As Americans, many of us would like to believe we have the ability to not indulge in temptations that could be potentially bad...

Making A Major Lifestyle Change

UNITED STATES—In life, sometimes you have to take a moment and re-examine what is going on in your life. A lot of the time...

Health Regimen 101

UNITED STATES—A lot of us take our health for granted. We really don’t think about what we’re eating, why we’re eating it and rather...

Curbing That Craving

UNITED STATES—I know I’m not the only one who is guilty of this. You know how you have those situations where you’re not really...

Home Cooked Meal Vs. Fast Food

UNITED STATES—There are just those days that you do not feel like slaving in the kitchen. I don’t mean that literally, but I know...

Fat Tuesday Allows Rebirth

UNITED STATES—Fat Tuesday or what many people call Mardi Gras transpired on Tuesday, March 5. For many it’s about celebrating, especially in the Big...

Healthy Lifestyle Reboot

UNITED STATES—The New Year seems like ions ago, but it only has been 2 months to be exact. Like you, my resolutions that started...

You Save When You Cook

UNITED STATES—In the past two years I have discovered something about my spending habits that I never paid much attention to: food is costly....