SAN FRANCISCO—On Thursday, July 12, San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón revealed numerous felony charges against Tammy Grimm for offering false evidence, forgery, and filing false documents with a public office.
According to news release from the SFDA’s Office, Grimm was arrested for submitting fabricated evidence against a judge to the Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP). The CJP is responsible for investigating complaints of judicial misconduct and for disciplining judges.
“Our legal system is based on principles of fairness and honesty,” said District Attorney George Gascón. “Deliberately falsifying evidence not only harms those who are targeted by the deception, but also jeopardizes our trust in the institutions designed to serve us all.”
According to court documents, in 2014, Grimm filed a complaint with the CJP in San Francisco against an Inyo County Superior Court judge. Grimm was employed as the Court Executive Officer for the Inyo County Superior Court. She alleged that the judge falsely signed affidavits declaring that he did not have a matter pending on his docket for more than 90 days after it had been submitted for a decision. Under California law, judges are mandated to complete affidavits periodically declaring that none of the matters before them remain pending for 90 days after having been submitted.
Grimm filed two emails with the CJP, where she claimed she sent to the judge advising him that a matter pending before him was over 90 days overdue. According to court records, Grimm forged the two documents and filed them with the CJP; she never sent them to the judge.
The arrest and charges are the result of an investigation by special agents with the Bureau of Investigation of the California Department of Justice.