HOLLYWOOD—After a week off, things are back on the hit series “The Chi.” When we last left off, Keisha decided she wanted her son back, Nina cheated on Dre and Kevin just got booted from that elite school. This week’s episode, ‘…Black Messiah’ picked up where all those cliffhangers left off, and the first scene gave audiences a glimpse of Keisha with her son, as Nina questioned her daughter about her plans for the future. Trig found himself having a conversation with Douda who wanted to make it be known that his presence still matters in the city of Chicago.

Douda made it crystal clear a trap house that was being used for criminal activity had to be off the grid ASAP. Jada was truly struggling with her cancer and the loss of her hair that she took clippers and started to shave her hair off. Trig and Imani chatted about ways to help the women inside that trap house. Nina tried talking some sense into Kevin, who seemed to be aloof that his life will continue to spiral out of control if he doesn’t get a handle on things.

Ok, the things that Tiffany and Emmett are considering are just wild when it comes to their marriage. The help is coming in loads to assist Keisha taking on the task of being a parent. Emmett realized that Nina was struggling with a secret because of all the drinking she was doing and alerted her to confess to relieve herself of all that stress.

Papa was working overtime to apologize to Myeisha, just as Jake was schooled by Papa that what he did to Kevin was wrong. Yeah, it was Jake, and if Jemma did that to Kevin, what makes you think she won’t do that to you? Kevin ran into that girl that he collided into last week, who scooped up a popular game he was hoping to get his hands on. It is indeed looking like Kevin is getting over Jemma, slowly, but surely. Jada gave some sound advice to Keisha, Nina, Dre and Tiffany about children and being a parent.

Jada was trying to keep her spirits high with Nina, who seemed to sense that Jada and Dre may have been an item. Kevin has made a new friend people and I am happy to see it. However, the drama at the trap house was more chaos than Imani and Trig could have ever imagined. They were trying to help these women, but the pushback was more than expected. Jamal was about to erupt on his lover and Trig once again found himself in the middle of that drama that he was hoping to curb for like the past 2-3 episodes America. Emmett attended Tiffany’s sex party and it was a wild scene to say the least people. It was bondage, orgies and extreme sex that Emmett and Tiffany had never indulged in. Jake and Jemma got much closer. Trig tried to diffuse a situation where a firearm was pulled and turned into Jamal shooting a guy before fleeing the scene. Yeah, so much for policing the community because that guy Jamal shot died and this is bad people, real bad.

Nina confessed to Dre that she slept with another woman and it was heartbreaking to watch. Nina was an emotional mess and Dre was furious. Douda paid Trig a visit and learned about that trap house becoming more problematic than expected. Keisha suffered some bad dreams that put her into a panic fearing for her son’s life in the process, but it helped her come up with a name: Ronnie. I did not expect that name, but it is indeed a nice touch to say the least. See you next Sunday “The Chi” lovers!