SAN FRANCISCO—It was announced on Thursday, July 23, the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) was awarded the Circle of Excellence Award for innovations in their website redesign. The university describes the changes to include “an upgrade to the content management system and optimization of the online experience based on the University’s audience needs.”

The annual award is from the Council of Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), a non-profit association dedicated to educational advancement. Each year CASE recognizes hundreds of institutions whose staff improve their institutions through creative ideas.

In this year’s competition there were over 2,750 entries from a record participation of 28 countries. Awards are recognized in 100 unique categories of contribution including: advancement services, alumni relations, fundraising, special events, publications, and digital communication to list a few.

The redesign, launched in April 2019, was a success in the eyes of the judges who praised UCSF stating that “their thoughtful research and intentional decisions for user experience on the site design match beautifully with their goals” and that “the site is clean, and the visuals are engaging to see.”