Tag: health

Cooking Made Easy

UNITED STATES—Let’s be frank, most Americans cannot stand the idea of preparing a meal in the kitchen. It’s never easy to craft a dish...

Making A Major Lifestyle Change

UNITED STATES—In life, sometimes you have to take a moment and re-examine what is going on in your life. A lot of the time...

Health Regimen 101

UNITED STATES—A lot of us take our health for granted. We really don’t think about what we’re eating, why we’re eating it and rather...

Let’s Be More Active America

UNITED STATES—Spring has finally arrived America and with that being said I’m seeing more and more people outdoors. As soon as the weather gets...

More STD Testing Called For As Syphilis Cases Rise

SAN FRANCISCO—Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in San Francisco with the number of women infected with syphilis increasing by 144 percent between...

It’s All Mental!

UNITED STATES—You might think from reading the TITLE this story might have something to do with mental health or psychology and you would be...

Americans Are Getting Lazier Each Day

UNITED STATES—Sometimes I wonder about Americans, it seems like each day some new form of technology has been invented that is supposed to make...

Fat Tuesday Allows Rebirth

UNITED STATES—Fat Tuesday or what many people call Mardi Gras transpired on Tuesday, March 5. For many it’s about celebrating, especially in the Big...

Healthy Lifestyle Reboot

UNITED STATES—The New Year seems like ions ago, but it only has been 2 months to be exact. Like you, my resolutions that started...

Resolution Still Going Strong

UNITED STATES—For many Americans we are in day 16 of the New Year as I write this column and many of us have committed...