SAN FRANCISCO—The shooting death of Kathryn Steinle has culminated in a proposal to stop San Francisco from receiving certain federal funding from the government.

Later this week, the House of Representatives are set to discuss a bill that provides quasi-asylum for undocumented immigrants and in turn runs the risk of housing dangerous persons who pose a threat to the country.
Steinle was killed by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez. Sanchez, a Mexican national, had been deported an alleged five times, and criminally convicted seven times, before finding shelter in San Francisco. Prior to the murder, federal officials requested Sanchez to be deported again, a request the city did not follow through with.
The city of San Francisco has had a history of not cooperating with the federal authority in its attempt to maintain its sanctuary status. This new bill would take action against the policies of sanctuary cities and prevent them from receiving federal grants. Among major sanctuary cities that would be cut off include Chicago, Miami, New Orleans and Denver.

In 2014, the city and country of San Francisco received about $167,055.00 in State Criminal Alien Assistance Program funding, while the state of California, considered a “sanctuary state,” received $41 million in SCAAP funding.
The bill, titled the “Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act” was crafted by California’s own Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter who represents the city and county of San Diego, also a location with a sanctuary status for illegals.
When speaking to San Diego’s Kusi News about his thoughts on the concept, Hunter replied “It isn’t working. You still have the most dangerous, criminal illegal aliens free in this country committing more crimes whether you have sanctuary cities or not.”