SAN FRANCISCO—On Thursday, September 3, California firefighters that have been receiving assistance from California inmates and may have an opportunity to have a career as a firefighter in the future. On the state of California government website, a bill that if approved states:

“This bill would allow a defendant who successfully participated in the California Conservation Camp Program or a county incarcerated individual hand crew as an incarcerated individual hand crew member, and has been released from custody, to petition to withdraw their plea of guilty or plea of not guilty.”

Once inmates complete their jail sentence, their records cleared, and participate in the firefighters program, they will be able to apply for a position as a firefighter. Inmates with crimes that include murder, sexual assault or kidnapping are not allowed to apply.

California State Assembly Member of San Jose, Ash Karla tweeted, “Honored to be Principal Co-Author for #AB2147 authored by amazing @AsmReyes47 allowing inmate firefighters opportunity to clear their records upon release to pave path forward for career in firefighting or other professions! Thank you @AntiRecidivism for incredible work on this!”

According to reports, there are 1,300 incarcerated firefighters since August 25.

Representatives of the San Francisco Fire Department, Ash Karla, and Department of Corrections have not responded to the San Francisco News for inquires.