St. John's Confidential File

Jacquie Shane Ready To Rock In 2019!

HELLO AMERICA!—Even though the nation is experiencing a feeling of social and possibly professional division in our cities, the entertainment industry is forging ahead with very positive changes on every level. More diversity at each turn for people of every color are being considered and hired in every vital facet of the TV and film industry. Women, especially, are branching...

Americans Hungering For Shows Of Inspiration

HELLO AMERICA!—We are finding when hearing from many of our readers around the nation, there is a hunger for the kind of TV programming which captured viewer imagination and excitement of a few decades ago. Fredrick Bach, a U.S.C. film graduate complained the concept of Tikkum Alam is missing. “There is a deficit of shows centering on characters that...

When Lights Are On, The Cameras Begin To Spin

HELLO AMERICA!─If you’ve grown up being on a stage or waiting for a voice to yell out, “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION on a film set, it becomes a natural part of who you are as an existing human being.  One quickly becomes an eager member of the club of actors who struggle earnestly to bring truth to whatever character they...

It’s Tabloid Time Folks!

HELLO AMERICA!—It was back to the gossip world again, and I was ready. As soon as it was known that I was resuming my column, the phone began to ring off the wall. And that’s the way I liked it. Sonny King, a mutual friend and one of Elvis Presley’s bodyguards, called and gave me information about the rock...

Hollywood Preparing For Big White House Film

HELLO AMERICA!—There are so many positive things one can say about the general press, no matter what some of the politicians living on the edge expose in Washington. For example, because I am known to be open and upfront concerning films, people and life in America, a place where I have been taught and nurtured about one’s hopes and...

Dancing With Legends Of Fire!

HELLO AMERICA!—I must confess that it’s rather gratifying having so many of you so anxious to hear stories of my very insane days surviving in Tinsel-town! Hey! I confess it is also perfect therapy reminiscing about the good, bad and sometimes dangerous excursions into utter madness. While at the famed Ebony Showcase Theatre founded by iconic “Amos ‘n’ Andy”...

Separated, But Still A Family

HELLO AMERICA!─It is getting to that special time of the year when we’re ready psychologically and physically to deal and or celebrate Thanksgiving, Xmas and Rosh Hashanah. Opposing parties are putting away their weapons of hurt and disapproval and try songs of peace, love and respect; they try to understand that is where the real power lies. I remember one...

Stars Sing Songs Of Hope, “Anything Is Possible!”

HELLO AMERICA!─As usual America’s most talented artists eagerly come to the aid of those who need support in dealing with the current challenge of survival. During the World War II, stars such as Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Faye Ray, Jimmy Derante, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Diana Shore and tons of others flooded radio shows and theaters centering on national...

It’s Only Show Biz, Folks!

HELLO AMERICA!—I am filled with hope at the moment for the recent laws being passed by Congress concerning financial support for the people at large. It is so obvious after the former election that change is coming on all levels of American life. Many people are telling me, especially, those who are connected to the entertainment industry that they...

Jeff Scholz Says Believing Is Door To Success!

HELLO AMERICA!—For me, there is nothing more exciting than discovering new and gifted people who are ready to take on the challenge of finding a place for themselves on a marquee. When meeting and watching him master his position on Dominican’s highly rated basketball team, there was something definitely special and magical that captured the eye of everyone there...
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