St. John's Confidential File

Corona Forces New American Plans

HELLO AMERICA!—The invasion of the Coronavirus has changed millions of not only that of various parts of the globe, but the lives of millions of Americans, as well. Hollywood studios, for the most part, have stopped operations until further notice concerning the Coronavirus.  Those of us who had been in meetings concerning production projects have been forced to reschedule.  Being forced to stay at home has...

When Lights Are On, The Cameras Begin To Spin

HELLO AMERICA!─If you’ve grown up being on a stage or waiting for a voice to yell out, “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION on a film set, it becomes a natural part of who you are as an existing human being.  One quickly becomes an eager member of the club of actors who struggle earnestly to bring truth to whatever character they...

Very Little Substance In New Hollywood

HELLO AMERICA!─I am sure that many of you, like myself, who has been around in the entertainment industry for more years that we would willingly agree that the former richness of film stories and characters have been sadly lost in so many creative ways.  Believe it or not, daytime soaps have an abundance of a believable substance involving character...

Michael St. John’s Next Novel “Fast Ride On A Golden A**”

HELLO AMERICA!─The humming light from the bowed streetlamp cut the night like a dull blade and covered the lonely parking lot with long, lingering, brown shadows.  It was underneath his auburn haze of Hollywood that Jonathan Harris followed his fate. The man in front of him, in a dyed blue suit, worn at the shoulders by the weight of...

How To Fight The Coronavirus Easily

HELLO AMERICA!─Remember the name Caliente Don Juan Templar. He is a gifted young scientist who is a friend of mine who has found a way to combat CORONAVIRUS. It is an amazing, simple and logical that will quickly ease your mind.  Communicating with Caliente was reminiscent of sitting in a great science class at the university. It was simple,...

Hollywood Ghost Town When Corona Visit

HELLO AMERICA!─Even though the world looks at Hollywood as a golden land of fame and miracles, this Disneyland promotion concept fell flat on the re-editing board when Miss CORONAVIRUS made her entrance on the scene. Within a few days, studios decided to close doors, schools on every academic level gave notice of closure and when the stores, hotels, restaurants,...

Max Von Sydow Brilliant Actor To Be Remembered

HELLO AMERICA!─After hearing that actor Max Von Sydow passed, it was an extremely sad moment for me, as well as millions of others. Without a doubt he was one of a kind, especially in Hollywood. When I first met Max, it was on location in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. He was shooting a film with Peter O’Toole and...

Actors Clamoring To Recreate James Dean In Film

HELLO AMERICA!─If my late friend, James Dean, was aware of how many actors are clamoring to portray him in a possible film, based on the book “Hollywood Through the Back Door,” he would be amused, to be sure. He would first smile, turn his head in a very awkward twist and then whisper, “Why? Hell, they don’t know who...

Kenny Buguen Mr. Extraordinary

HELLO AMERICA!─I have always been impressed with those with certain individual talents which are obviously superior to those around him or her. Usually, one can spot them by the way they enter a room, listen to a speech or lecture or when observing the talent of others. For example, when meeting Bette Davis for the first time at Jimmy...

Jonathan Bogner Lightning Rod Producer Hits Hollywood

HELLO AMERICA!─Jonathan Bogner was born in London,, England (1963). Bogner is an Executive Producer at Relativity Television. He develops, sells and produces reality shows. As a producer he has developed and sold the following shows to series or pilots: "Kim of Queens" (Lifetime/Series), "My Five Wives" (TLC/Series), Tree People (Discovery/Series), "Rocky Mountain Life" (Discovery/Special), "Dance Kids ATL" (TLC/OWN/Pilot), "Parking...
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