HELLO AMERICA!—The invasion of the Coronavirus has changed millions of not only that of various parts of the globe, but the lives of millions of Americans, as well. Hollywood studios, for the most part, have stopped operations until further notice concerning the Coronavirus.  Those of us who had been in meetings concerning production projects have been forced to reschedule. 

Being forced to stay at home has affected many TV shows, as well, especially talk shows which highlight names that affect ratings. However, such shows as “The Talk,” “The View” and “Joe in the Morning” and so many other popular similar shows are still making a production effort to keep their audience happy and interested.  

The international crisis has forced many of us who take for granted many things we enjoy doing and planning has been forced to consider TIME in a different way.  When you are young in the business of entertainment, one feels you have all the time in the world to make your dreams come true. It affects your attitude concerning everything and everybody in the business, after all, you are a major contender!

If you are lucky, a few doors open to you and the feeling that the world will finally embrace you and consider you extremely special. As the first Black Director at NBC, I felt that way.  After all, I had just received a Master’s Degree from UCLA and in a few weeks, offered an unbelievable, history-making position at a major network.  It was overwhelming and forcing me to believe; I had arrived.

After spending a few painful, frustrating as a director, I was fortunate enough to be signed as Editor-in-Chief for four major entertainment publications. It was another exciting, career expanding opportunity adding another dimension of professional respect and expertise in the industry nationally. It is important to remind you that I was extremely young with no social incumbrances if something went awry or embarrassingly wrong, I knew there was time to correct things in a way that personally, would not affect my career negatively.

With this horrible, terrifying international attack by Coronavirus, it has without a doubt placed a stop on progress young students have paid for following graduation from an accredited high school or college – university situation.  This to be faced, especially when most students in this country have received scholarships, grants or loans to get that much-expected degree.

I was one of those needed students during the 1950s who depended on every grant or “work” program to receive my three degrees.  This is why it is so easy to understand what they are experiencing during this Corona situation being faced and taken a bit lightly from many of our so-called political leaders.

Sadly, millions of young kids of color, to simply receive a high school certificate is quite a big deal; especially, if they might have considered attending an even higher educational institution. Even at this point in my life and career, I have a desire to continue writing books, composing serious music and plays, but then I have been forced to realize what the world is being forced to deal with and how much input and time it has taken for all the other accomplishments I have been blessed to achieve.