Point of View

What It Takes To Be A Leader

UNITED STATES—We have those in the world who are leaders and we have those in the world who are followers. I have always wondered why so many people are willing to follow a blind leader, when they have the capacity themselves to control their own fate. We may not realize that it’s not in the best position to be...

Why Americans Take Less Vacation Time

UNITED STATES—It’s sad to even acknowledge that the summer months are quickly dwindling down and before you know it school will be back in session and things will be back to business as normal. Reports have continued to surface each day that more and more Americans are taking less vacations or time off from work. Why is that? Why...

Time To Focus On Issues For The Presidency

UNITED STATES—Well, we all knew the time was coming and with less than 3 months before the presidential election, I’m ready to halt all the mudslinging and get the discussion focused on some serious issues for a change. I mean the back and forth between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, is exhausting. Can we discuss some things of substance for...

What Is A Sincere Apology People?

UNITED STATES—To apologize or not to apologize that is the question of the day. I sometimes ask myself why in the world is it so difficult for some people to utter those simple two words: “I’m sorry.” I mean does the tongue go up in flames with the notion that those words would have to be uttered. Some people...

Too Much Pressure

UNITED STATES—We live in a world where at times it can feel like we’re juggling just way too much. Now, there is a big difference between stress and pressure. Whereas, I’d consider pressure, just dealing with a ton of stuff or taking on too much, stress is figuring out a way to manage a load of things that are...

The Hastain Trail, Still A Hot Topic!

COLDWATER CANYON—The Hastain Trial (Peak Trail) in the William O. Douglas Park west of Coldwater Canyon has been a hot topic of dispute between the hikers and the owner of adjacent land, scheduled for development. In 2011 a hiker observed some hillside-grading, and learned that a developer had purchased the land adjacent to the park, and planned to exclude hikers...

Christmas In July

UNITED STATES—If you think this column is about getting great deals in the month of July that is not the case. This column is more so to deliver a reality check that Christmas is indeed less than 6 months away. In fact, it’s much closer than you think and now is the time to start thinking about saving for...

Where Has All Our Patience Gone?

UNITED STATES—Oh America, nowadays we are a nation where everyone wants everything quick, fast and in a hurry. I’m guilty of it. I mean just the other day I was at a brick and mortar to pay my charge card and I was fuming mad because of the extensive wait in the line. I used to have so much...

Learning A Financial Lesson

UNITED STATES—Finances, they are the one thing that I think all Americans struggle with. Rather you’re filthy rich or filthy poor; money has a way of getting underneath our skin. Everyday I’m learning something new about my spending habits and understanding the importance of budgeting. A few months ago, I managed to earn some unexpected money, and it went...

Political Conventions Kick-Off

UNITED STATES—Well America, we are indeed getting much closer to November 2016, which only further raises the stakes as to who could potentially become the next President of the United States of America. We are looking at Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, but I would not count out a few independents or Libertarians joining the race as well to...