Point of View

Have We Forgotten About September 11, 2001?

UNITED STATES—I am sorry I had to pose this question because even I forgot on Sunday, September 11, 2022, marked 21 years since the attack on America that changed this country as we know it. That was a day that lived in infamy for our country. Two planes flown into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City,...

Republicans Defending Their Right NOT To Know

UNITED STATES─We seem to be suspended in an alternate universe regarding our laws, our courts and our once revered constitution. How can we explain to students the astonishing civics lesson that is unfolding in this impeachment trial? We have been taught that daylight is the antibacterial solution to subterfuge and blatant lies. Yet our congressional Republicans have been unapologetically opposed...

Money Spent Wisely

UNITED STATES—I am a firm believer that when it comes to money, as soon as you get it, the quicker it disappears. It seems like the more I work the more bills I have or things just unexpectedly arise that I never expected. I’m a planner first and foremost. When it comes to income I always want to know...

Spring Has Finally Arrived!

UNITED STATES—What is your favorite season of the year? Is it Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall? For me I’m more a fan of winter and fall, however, those seasons have come and gone and we’re in the beginning of spring. How would I describe spring as a season? It is a tricky one depending on what part of the...

High School Vs. College: Which Is Better?

UNITED STATES—It has been a debate people have discussed for years America, I mean literal years. Is high school or college some of the best times of your life? I know so many people who would argue its high school because you’re not an adult, you have no responsibilities and you’re just living life as some people would say....

Justice Or No Justice?

  UNITED STATES—The Trayvon Martin case has polarized America. On Saturday, July 13 in the evening hours across America an uproarious outcry rippled across many homes with a jury of six women finding George Zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder or manslaughter. The reason this case has been such a hot button issue is because it addresses an issue...

Marijuana Is Not All Good

UNITED STATES—For years there has been an ongoing debate on rather marijuana is a dangerous drug. While it’s still illegal under federal law, many cities across America have adopted laws making the use of the drug illegal. Some have questioned if by doing so are we opening a door for other drugs. I’ve gone back and forth with this...

Public Perception

UNITED STATES—Ok, this was something that I wanted to talk about for weeks, but the latest public figure to throw their hat in the ring just caused me to lose it. We all know Kelly Clarkson had a baby recently, and most women while pregnant put on a bit of weight, but the backlash the singer has been receiving...

Sexual Harassment In Hollywood

UNITED STATES—I was in utter shock to learn in recent days that Hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein had been accused of sexual harassment in the past and that it had been transpiring for decades. This is the guy who established Miramax films and helped usher in The Weinstein Company. Not to mention he has been the name behind some...

Sports Can Be Depressing

UNITED STATES—This might sound odd, but I think I finally understand what so many people mean when they say sports can be depressing. I used to think it was just a way for people to not want to be bothered with others, but that is not the case. I was watching my Alma matter play college football over the...
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