UNITED STATES—What is your favorite season of the year? Is it Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall? For me I’m more a fan of winter and fall, however, those seasons have come and gone and we’re in the beginning of spring. How would I describe spring as a season? It is a tricky one depending on what part of the country that you live in.

In some regions the heat has already start to creep up. In other regions, it still feels like chilly. However, with the hint that summer is on its way it is time to get some affairs in order. For many Americans, the travel season is officially underway. Why? Spring Break is upon us for many schools which are oddly early because Easter isn’t until Sunday, April 9. With that said, families are traveling to warmer climate rather it is towards the South or a staple destination like Florida. Some might be headed towards Mexico, or towards Las Vegas or Los Angeles.

At the same time, there are those who have the funds and are traveling overseas to places in Europe, Asia and Australia. If you are indeed traveling be prepared to have potential delays and high costs. Yeah inflation is still a big issue and the cost of a round trip ticket no matter where you are traveling is dependent on WHEN you travel and WHERE you travel.

If not traveling the big kick-off for the season is what many of us deem Spring Cleaning! Yes, I am guilty of that in the home. And I mean it. We’re talking about cleaning baseboards, cleaning windows, mopping floors, dusting all the wood in the home, getting rid of junk mail, and junk in general, storing cold weather clothing away and beginning to usher in brighter colors and lighter fabrics.

Cleaning the home can be a chore. For me it was something that transpired over a three to four day period. When you clean you want to be thorough and there is nothing like having a home that smells great and looks pristine and polished. At the same time, you start to do that work outdoors as well with your property. That means picking up tree branches; you’re raking leaves if you didn’t do that in the fall. Might be cleaning up dog pop, you might be starting to rake up dead grass.

Is it time to put out mulch and start to plant flowers? Not quite for me. If anything you want to prepare the front and backyards to be ready to do those things as you near the months of May and June. April is a bit too early to start because the weather is not always cooperative. Also you have that saying of April showers bringing May flowers. There is something about April that does indeed bring plenty of rain in various parts of the country that sometimes gets pummeled with rain, which is good for the lawns.

Cleaning the yard up is work, so don’t feel pressured to do it all at once, take your time and do it in spurts. With that said, the clothing issue is a big one. You may have put on a little weight during the winter months, its possible that you lost some weight and you might be adding or discarding items in your wardrobe. Look, if you cannot fit the items anymore and they are in good condition, donate them to a shelter or charity. Don’t just toss the items unless you have to. There is also that fun to get to shop and find new clothing for the season. You get to see what colors and styles are in and what is out. However, your wallet may not like the price of those items. Yes, it seems some retailers are really upping the prices on products, while there are others who are looking to get rid of fall and winter merchandise so you might score a deal or two, just be aware of that.

Spring is that transitional period it’s not torching hot, but it’s not extremely cold either. Whatever season is your cup of tea, there are always pros to all of them. Spring brings us Easter, travel, the kick-off of BBQ and graduation season before summer officially starts. Embrace it because before you know it the heat of summer will be upon us.

Written By Zoe Mitchell