
Making The Most Of Free Time

UNITED STATES─America let’s have a blunt conversation; how often do you have free time in your schedule. If you’re asking me it’s rare, and when I have free time, it’s only one day during the week, which is Saturday. Saturday tends to be a busy day for me as I’m running around like a chicken with his head chopped...

Veterans Matter

UNITED STATES─It is hard to fathom that we only take one day out of the 364 days we have in the year to pay our tribute and gratitude to the people who risked their lives for us to enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted. Yes, Monday, November 11, 2019, we celebrated Veteran’s Day. It is a day...

Budgets Are Not Easy To Stick To

UNITED STATES—Budget. Yes that is a very scary word for many Americans. We do not like to hear the word budget or the thought of having to be restricted to a specific budget, but it has more benefits for us than we can imagine. How so? When you budget you get the opportunity to see precisely where your money...

Excessive Shopping

UNITED STATES—Do you know some people who shop too much? I guess the first question we have to ask is what is considered excessive shopping. I would argue visiting the mall or your favorite big box once a week is not excessive. On the flip side, if you’re at the mall or that place seven days a week you...

What To Do With All That Candy?

UNITED STATES—Halloween is now far beyond us, and many Americans are beginning to prepare for Thanksgiving amongst other chaos for the fall. There is one piece of business we still have to deal with: all that Halloween candy. Some might think it’s no big deal, but it is. Many kiddies are bursting with joy because they were delivered a...

Diet Changes Are Not That Easy

UNITED STATES—I am trying my hardest to be healthy when it comes to eating. The thing about eating healthy is you’re told one thing by this study, this doctor or some report, but then come to find out weeks later you should not be doing this or that. It is just frustrating and annoys me to the core. Why?...

Sports Can Be Depressing

UNITED STATES—This might sound odd, but I think I finally understand what so many people mean when they say sports can be depressing. I used to think it was just a way for people to not want to be bothered with others, but that is not the case. I was watching my Alma matter play college football over the...

Eating Out Can Be Dangerous

UNITED STATES—As Americans, it is common knowledge that many of us eat out way too much. I don’t think it has anything to do with not wanting to cook, it’s just after a long day of school, work or whatever stressor you have in life, you just don’t have the energy to slave in a kitchen. With that being...

Why Some Work, And Others Do Not!

UNITED STATES—Why is it some people work more than others? Is it some people just don’t have the drive when it comes to work? Is it that some people aren’t motivated to do anything, but the bare minimum? Why do we have so many Americans who are not willing to take the steps needed to deliver when it counts...

Student Athletes Getting Compensation

UNITED STATES—I have been a major advocate for this for years. The fact that Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California has passed legislation that will allow student athletes at community colleges and universities to be compensated while they are in school is amazing. Look, I had the same thought many Americans had before really getting to know student athletes...
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